Garmin MK1 complete failure!!

Hello All 

This is the first time i post on these forums. 

I have been using the MK1 for a little less than a year. I am about to become a dive master and was extremely happy with the MK1 as a dive computer where i recommended it for almost anyone in the dive community. 

However the watch completely failed and i am frustrated today as i have been trying to contact support with no success, tried to reinstall the software with no success. I am hoping that someone here can help! 

What happened is after few dives on the 23rd of July i tried syncing using Garmin Connect with no success. I later learned that Garmin was under a cyber attack. The next night i turned on the watch as i had a dive the next morning and the disaster happened: The following warning was always coming up on the screen: "Do not dive. Failed to read depth sensor", the Bluetooth was no longer working and the Heart Rate sensor is not working as well. The status of the MK1 did not change and is still the same. 

I really want to understand what happened and what caused the problem. Is this likely to happen again in case the watch was fixed? I kind of unfortunately lost trust in this product and hope i can get some answers that might change this. 

Thank you :) 

  • Hello

    Since yesterday, I have exactly the same problem and  the watch is no longer usable. Do you have a solution? Please help.... :-)

  • Since yesterday, I have exactly the same problem and  the watch is no longer usable. Do you have a solution? Please help.... :-)

  • Hello,

    Please note that Garmin support were very helpful and i received a replacement. I would advise you to contact support! 

    Good luck! 

  • OK thanks. I contacted support and I hope that I will have the same "chance" but the watch is not anymore in warranty....:-(

  • Hi, interesting to hear all these issues with the mk1. I have good support from Garmin but also this is my third mk1 within one year. The first mk1 crapped out after 10 dives with by getting stuck in a menu loop, Garmin replaced immediately. The second mk1 lasted 133dives, almost a year and came up with the faulty sensor error. Garmin replaced immediately. Yesterday I got my third mk1 and guess the error message" do not dive, cannot read sensor". It also got stuck in a system update loop and so resetting helped while the sensor error persisted. Then I updated to sensor hub upgrade 6.7 and now it is back again . My dive instructor had the same issue with his first mk 1 as well. So I am not sure why Garmin is not properly looking into this issue. In my mind and looking at the amount of reoccurring errors we are probably talking about a recall.

  • So I am not sure why Garmin is not properly looking into this issue.

    It is not na isolated issue to MK1 only. The sensor failure reoccures occasionally at other models as well. It happens after a failed update of the Sensor Hub firmware, I guess that it happens due to interrupted connection while uploading the update package (wacky USB cable when updating with Garmin Express, or interrupted BT connection when updating over Garmin Connect). Garmin used to replace such devices, but since a few months ago, they usually just send you the Sensor Hub firmware to reapply on the watch. Well, unless you fall on a support person not familiar with the problem, who falsely identifies the issue as a hardware failure.

    They certainly could improve the firmware upgrade routine, and include the verification of the integrity of the upgrade package, but I guess it may take some time before that happens. In any case it is not any serious issue - it is easily fixable, and having no consequences (like for example the reset of the settings, or similar).

  • So I am not sure why Garmin is not properly looking into this issue.

    It is not na isolated issue to MK1 only. The sensor failure reoccures occasionally at other models after a firmware update as well. It happens after a failed update of the Sensor Hub firmware, I guess that it happens due to interrupted connection while uploading the update package (wacky USB cable when updating with Garmin Express, or interrupted BT connection when updating over Garmin Connect). Garmin used to replace such devices, but since a few months ago, they usually just send you the Sensor Hub firmware to reapply on the watch. Well, unless you fall on a support person not familiar with the problem, who falsely identifies the issue as a hardware failure.

    They certainly could improve the firmware upgrade routine, and include the verification of the integrity of the upgrade package, but I guess it may take some time before that happens. In any case it is not any serious issue - it is easily fixable, and having no consequences (like for example the reset of the settings, or similar).

  • Same problem , updated  the weekend end before dive to 10.40, new hub firmware and now no depth sensor, looks like bluetooth is gone and screen remains at dark setting and won't light up.   Now at dive site can't use watch.  really  expensive diving weight lying in my dive kit. 

  • It happened the same way to my MK1 also on Nov 2021. Can’t be fixed after resetting. I lost confident with the product. 

  • It happened to my MK1 the exact same way in Nov 2021. Doesn’t fix the problem even after resetting it. Now I totally lost confidence in the product.