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Mk2 Descent?

Hello All,

when will a Mk2 Descent with music comes to live? Any idea?

Thank you for your help.
  • I used the MK1 since it was released and i never had an issue connected with diving the diving features. Also the dept was always displayed correctly without any issues.

    Once the HR sensor had a small crack (functionality was still ok) and Gamin exchanged the MK! To a complete new one within 4 days.

    Only because of the missing AI I changed my dive computer (to a EON core) 3 month ago. As soon as the MK2i will be releases I will move back to Garmin. (except the announced price from the fishing store from New Zealand is correct)

  • I wouldnt comment on a sport or function I know nothing about but do skydivers trust it to determine altitude correctly? The amazon link in atj777's reply below has one review suggesting the altitude sensor is poor on mk1 not sure if that's same sensor in jumpmaster, but you've basically made my point, if the equipment can't be trusted its useless, take marq aviator it may be helpful as a crude back up but would you really use it to fly a plane? no and garmin isnt suggesting that you should, but garmin are selling mk1 as a dive computer you would base decisions on not just track what you're doing, I hope I'm wrong because I'm interested in it, but if near $2000 is asking price it has to be perfect with support that rivals peers

  • I just told you, 3914080 further down the page,

    They reported a failed depth sensor, not misreading the depth.  That's a huge difference!

    If you are going to use that one example to put *** on Garmin, then you can drag Shearwater and Suunto down with it:

    As I said above, any dive computer can have a hardware fault.

  • I wouldnt comment on a sport or function I know nothing about

    But clearly you are.  The issue with the Mk1 and tracking altitude is not the sensor, it is how the sensor is interpreted.  

    Measuring pressure is relatively easy.  It is the interpreting that measurement that is tricky.

    When you are measuring the pressure in water it is relatively straight forward because water doesn't compress (to all intents and purposes).  There is a linear relationship between the pressure and depth and so if you know the pressure, you know the depth.

    In air it is a whole different ball game.  Even at sea level, the air pressure can vary a lot.  While the pressure sensor may be accurate, how does it know what the barometric pressure is to determine the altitude?  This is where the problem has been and why regular calibration is required.

    What is interesting is that a recent SOFTWARE update to the Mk1 (i.e. using exactly the same HARDWARE, so no change to the sensor) has made altitude measurements much more accurate.  They still aren't perfect (and never will be because of the difficulties of extrapolating altitude from pressure. 

  • That's so brazen it beggars belief, the poster literally says all depths of between 0 and 19m were read as 0 and no reply to complaints, as for jumpmaster my post is clear, you're creating strawmen points I never make and arguing against them, whether there are issues of software or hardware matters little if they persist but if they're addressing them then that's good though if its not hardware and they take a while to correct that pretty much confirms concern with customer service people have complained about , it will soon be clear if they've ironed out other glitches, I never said other companies don't have glitches but I did say that customer support was top notch with ratio and suunto both of whom I've dealt with and Ive read shearwater are also top notch viz kit and customer service though don't know first hand

  • the poster literally says all depths of between 0 and 19m were read as 0

    Yes!  This is a failed sensor!  What part of that don't you understand?  This is not "misreading depth" as you you claimed earlier. The sensor is broken and needs to be replaced (or the whole device needs to be replaced).

    It is exactly the same result as the failed sensors in the Shearwater Teric.

    I will agree with you that Garmin Customer Support is poor (and have been complaining about it for years, including in this forum and on Scubaboard). 

    That said, with major issues, such as hardware failures, I have actually found them to be very good and replace the faulty equipment quickly when people make the effort to contact them directly (i.e. pick up a phone can call them).

    I have seen (personally with my own Mk1 and with reports from others) no issues at all with the Mk1 that make it unsafe to use as a dive computer (when you respect your dive training). None at all.

    Sure, there have been lots of bugs and poor design decisions but none of them have made the Mk1 unsafe as a dive computer.

    All hardware and software has bugs.  My Shearwater Perdix has had a number of bugs.  I see the Teric, too, has had bugs.  The difference is that Garmin take too long to acknowledge and fix the bugs.

  • I think were going to have to agree to disagree on aspects of differences, I have no idea whether its a sensor or software or both, but if its not dependable what difference does it make practically? If garmin can sort out these issues and improve its customer service this would be a fantastic all round watch I would buy and use daily, far better than anything android or apple if you factor in battery life, and the extras would trump teric or ratio idive tech+ which is a pretty amazing dive watch that includes a gas sensor, which is unique in the market, plus temp altemeter etc that gives it features akin to casio gshock/protrek watches, but without payment or maps etc which is why I'm waiting for the garmin, but only if the dive computer is dependable because this would be a serious buy not a Marq vanity buy, the issue with customer service is a big one, I was looking at quatix 6 v fenix 6 and posters on other blogs uncovered errors in their own specs on the website that garmin US and Australia had no idea about though garmin support in Germany did for some reason, they're a massive company so maybe they should silo aspects of that service like they do with marine and aviation where their reputation is solid, I think diving and dive computers definitely fall into that category given like marine and aviation a dive computer is a decision making tool rather than an activity tracker

  • User manual Descent Mk2 pressure sensor

    Above is the link for the garmin wireless tank pressure transmitter.

    Any idea why they chose sonographic transmission under water, i think that will complicate placement, do they expect it to attach to a long hose like...

    Read more.
  • I was out on a boat today in Pompano Beach Florida and someone on the boat had the MK2 that he is busy beta testing. He's had for about 6 months and says its an excellent computer and on par with his Shearwater.

    It's a good looking watch with wireless air and can connect to 6 different transmitters simultaneously.

  • It's a good looking watch with wireless air and can connect to 6 different transmitters simultaneously.

    But they are Garmin transmitters!  This was a really dumb decision by Garmin and will most likely hurt their sales.

    It already appears the Mk2 is going to be much more expensive than any other dive computer but Garmin also expect people to shell out for transmitters, too.  This will pretty much rule out anyone with that already uses AI with a dive computer from Shearwater, Oceanic, Aqua Lung, Sherwood, or any other dive computer that uses PPS transmitters.  That's actually a large group of people.

    With the Mk1, Garmin recommend not to use it as the only dive computer so I would expect the Mk2 to be the same.  So Garmin expect people to use a backup dive computer (which in itself is a good idea) but not be able to backup the AI component, or if they also want AI backup, they have to use up both HP ports on their first stage and not carry an SPG.

    I was actually considering getting an Mk2, especially since my Oceanic (which was the AI backup for my Perdix AI) recently died.  I already have 3 PPS transmitters.  As the Mk2 appears to not support PPS transmitters, I won't be getting it.