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Mk2 Descent?

Hello All,

when will a Mk2 Descent with music comes to live? Any idea?

Thank you for your help.
  • What a nonsense. After 35 active years of diving, I never had a situation where I would have died if I had no computer with me. Never rely 100% on ONE computer. Have a backup. This might be a plastic table, or even your naked brain. Pun intended.

  • I'm not talking about dying on a dive, any capable diver would know what to do in case of a dive computer failure, its happened to me and others its not difficult to deal with, I'm talking about fidelity of the garmin, read complaints on this blog and others about misreading depths (which alone would put your decompression calculations out enough to be dangerous), and other glitches, this smartwatch does so many things and garmin is not an established dive company, compare customer service with sherewater, ratio or suunto, the latter two I've dealt with and they're excellent, as dedicated longstanding dive companies I think this should be a consideration, especially the Marq brand which the mark2i price falls into appears aimed more at a financial demographic rather than serious divers, they've got a great rep in aviation and sailing so its not beyond them its just the issues with mk1 and their customer service leaves a lot to be desired compared with long established competitors that's all

  • read complaints on this blog and others about misreading depths (which alone would put your decompression calculations out enough to be dangerous),

    I frequent this forum often and have not seen any reports of the Mk1 "misreading depths" as such.  There were a couple where the pressure/depth sensor failed or there was an obvious hardware problem (reading 219m rather than 21m) but I think you will be hard pressed to find any dive computer that has not had a couple of devices that had issues (even Shearwater). 

  • Read below a recent post has described that as have amazon reviews and other blogs, If the mk2 works and has glitches ironed out it would be a phenomenal all round watch, but I'm going to sit this out for a while and wait and see what others say before I jump in, even teric is half the price and its pretty much gold standard in this form factor, ratio idive as well phenomenal at less than half price and both aren't cheap

  • Read below a recent post has described that as have amazon reviews and other blogs,

    Please provide links or it didn't happen.

  • Read below a recent post has described that as have amazon reviews and other blogs

    There are 84 reviews and none mention issues with depth readings.  One person thought it might be out by a foot but never said they'd set "water type" correctly or what they were comparing the depth with.

  • 3914080 on this very page for starters, read the 1 or 2 star reviews on amazon for interesting comments (105 reviews on UK site), cracked heart rate sensor after few dives compromising watch etc, has loads of comment on bugs and issues, do your own research

  • This is a weak argument at best. I’m very aware of diving and the importance of functional equipment. I’m also VERY aware of how other companies with Dive products work and operate. Garmin failed the Mk1 and it’s customers by its very slow update/problem resolution schedule.

    To show you how weak your argument is, along with Garmin’s, then explain how “Jumpmaster” (skydiving) is different in terms of a “life support sport” compared to diving? If done incorrectly or experienced a malfunction, you’re toast. I bring this up because timely updates and/or betas happen with this installed on other watches. Diving options are “Activities” and Jumpmaster is ALSO an Activity.

    I’ll wait...

  • do your own research

    Typical response from someone with absolutely no evidence.

    I am specifically talking about your claim:

    read complaints on this blog and others about misreading depths (which alone would put your decompression calculations out enough to be dangerous)

    You have produced zero evidence to back up your claim so I am calling complete BS on your part.

  • I just told you, 3914080 further down the page, a post made 20 days ago in response to another post!!