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Mk2 Descent?

Hello All,

when will a Mk2 Descent with music comes to live? Any idea?

Thank you for your help.
  • If the price is correct, I will also buy another dive computer. Till now I had Garmin everywhere (Diving, MTB, normal activities and the boat).

    So, I will change to Suunto. (Eon Core for diving and the Suunto 9 for the other stuff.  The applications are comparable with those from Garmin.

    I’m really pissed about that price (if it’s true) because I was really looking forward to staying with Garmin, but this price is an imposition.

    I was awaiting that Garmin is in the higher price level and in comparison, with the MK1 €1200 for the MK2 and € 300 for the tank pod would be acceptable. But not more!

  • 1799$ for the base MK2i model is crazy. Let's see what the MK2 without AI will be at (guessing at 1499$?) Good luck Garmin! Over inflating their prices for us to pay for the hack ransom it seems. 

  • Problem: to buy car or MK2?

  • It looks a little different than the PPS transmitters. The second transmitter in the background does look like a PPS transmitter. This was reported to be taken in Hawaii when Garmin was testing this. 

  • Though atj777 could be correct that they worked with PPS to develop the transmitter. DEMA has canceled this years show, but is planning an online show in September, so stay tuned. 

  • The pricing is ... I really don't know why Garmin will only sell some of these devices, if the pricing is correct? Make it cheaper and people will buy the device en masse. But that seems to be unwanted by Garmin for some reason? After the "slow" support for the MK1, wth should people even pay more for the new device and the same support? Maybe it is planed as a Yuppie diver accessories? If, bad idea, Garmin!
  • all my followers and readers are starving to hear Garmin descent mk2 time announcement on my blog!

    I hope that becomes soon!!! I am So excited for that!

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to Moutaz Alnabilsy

    Good to hear it is on its way...

  • $1300/1400 w/o Transmitter or $1700-2000+ with Transmitter will be a hard sell for Garmin. They completely botched the development for the MK1. Now, one could say because it was their first dive computer that they didn’t know what they were getting into but it was their “response” (or lack there of) of the criticism from their customers that turns me off from this model.

    I have the Delta Tactix Solar and use the Teric as my dive computer. While I have no complaints with the support and improvements for the Fenix 6 series lineup, I have no faith whatsoever that Garmin will have learned their lesson and will put more effort into the MK2.

  • Diving is different to other recreational sports because unlike other activities your life depends on a dive computer,  on a smart watch if it fails if you're using it for cycling or running or even sailing where its additional not instead of other kit and considerations etc its a pain but not dangerous but for diving it does so this has to be really robust and accurate all the time to depend on it, given the apparent price a bigger dedicated computer like sherewater perdix, ratio ix3m or suunto eon core is a much better and safer bet at a fraction of the asking price for this even with transmitters could include a decent backup computer as well in price of mk2