Automatic dive mode

It has happened twice to me the lats two days that my Descent watch went into dive mode when I just jumped into the water for a swim. It ended the dive three minutes later registering a dive with a max depth of 0.6 meter, average depth 0.1 m and 3 minutes long...
This would not be such a probblem if it was possioble to delete this “false” dive, but it is not...!?
Also, I understood that the automaic dive mode should start first at 1.5 meters...?
Something to fix by Garmin forvthe next update?
  • I'm a freediver and I was looking for a new dive computer but I'm also a skydiving instructor and noticed descent also has altimeter, gps and many other good functions for me so I bought one! Now i have a problem with it, I can't turn automatic diving activation off. So when I make a jump from 14000 ft then it goes into dive mode half way down and it gets stuck in it on the ground. So I need to turn it off and then turn on again and calibrate it. So basically I can't use it as an altimeter and also as a normal watch while skydiving. Please make an option to turn automatic activation off or give another solution for that! Any suggestions?

  • The Dive Mode will not be activated if another activity is running. So I’d recommend that you enable the Jumpmaster activity as a temporary solution until the Garmin Engineers can come up with a resolution.

  • The best solution is to put it in pool mode. It still starts the dive feature, but doesn't save it... 

    Unfortunately pool mode needs to be set daily. Would be nice for it to have the option to keep on pool mode. 

  • All my other dive watches, Suunto, Oceanic, Mares have an option to customise the start dive depth.  I usually set it to 3m which is deeper than most pools and depth that I would swim at, that works.  If we cant turn off auto dive start (1.2m) can we at least have an option to customise the start depth. 

  • Thanks Odie, are you aware of recent software updates that might cause this behavior? or workarounds to solve it?

    I'm using a Descent G1 on a 3-meter pool, and the dive mode starts even if I started the Pool Swim activity before going into the water (even with Pool Mode enabled)