It seems clear that there are quite a few imperfections and teething problems with the Mk1 ... this is to be expected, there is also the fact that the Fenix Plus range has come out that has some extra functions I would like...
i will be primarily using the watch for non water activities and for freediving (which the fenix range can do but not as well as the Descent) , but would also like the option of being able to use it for diving and not have to swap watches or travel with 2...
it seems that my options at the moment are to buy the fenix 5x plus (which costs only slightly less than the descent mk 1), and also buy a dive computer (possible secondhand)...
or to wait to see if garmin brings out a descent mk 1 PLUS or a descent mk2.....
i have tried searching online quite a lot and cannot find any discussions or information on when/ whether there may be a new version released...
does anyone have any ideas? Heard anything?