What do you think of the support I received?

I reported a problem to Garmin on 13 June:

This is the reply I got the other day:

What do people think?
  • Odie21 Thank you and I understand. If you run into something else, let me know and I will do my best to get the answer.

    Mark_H20 I am happy to look into it, if you want to send me a private message with your email and roughly when you send the emails in to us.

    atj777 Emailed you back, and feel free to email me too about those past issues.

    renton82 The thread of for the Descent Mk1, but if you are having an issue with the fenix 5, then feel free to contact support directly and we would be happy to work with you on what you are reporting in the forums.
  • Mark_H20 I am happy to look into it, if you want to send me a private message with your email and roughly when you send the emails in to us.

    Garmin-Heath, I would private message you but you are apparently not accepting private messages.

  • Mark_H20 That was interesting and one IT ticket later it has been fixed. If you are still interested in me looking into your past emails, feel free to send me a private message now.