Feature Request: Stopwatch in Single Gas mode

Sometimes I would need a Stopwatch while diving and quite sure I'm not the only one.
I think this feature should be easy to implement, by just copying the gauge watchface and making it optionanl via settings?
  • Thank you for the suggestion, I have passed it on personally.
  • Dear Garmin-Heath, wouldn't it be most appropriate to first fix everything what needs to bi fixed on Descent MK1, and then adding new features, otherwise we will never see a fully functioning device!

    And despite all the problems that you obviously have, you should fix the problems a bit quicker, because after all, it's a device that costs 1000+ EUR - one of your most expensive devices!
  • What’s also frustrating, the 5x which is pretty similar to the Descent, is just so far ahead in terms of available applications/widgets, etc. Seems like there is very little interest from Garmin to grow the Descent MK1 unlike their other models.

    I’ve had the MK1 since early January and they have not added one new feature. I knew that development would be slower but I wasn’t expecting THIS slow.