NDL Comparison between Descent MK1 and Shearwater Perdix AI

Here are two comparison graphs showing the NDL from my Garmin Descent MK1 and my Shearwater Perdix AI for two dives done on the one day.

Both computers use Bühlmann ZHL-16c algorithm and both are set to Medium Conservatism. I wear the Descent on my left wrist and the Perdix is on my camera rig which is almost always just in front of me. The two computers will not always be at the same depth but will be close.

The first dive was with 27% Nitrox to a maximum depth of 21m, average depth of 13.7m, and went for 96 minutes.
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The surface interval to the second dive on air was 1:42, the maximum depth was 14m, average depth 10.2m and duration 73 minutes.
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The NDLs track pretty closely.