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CT10 and SuperStroke Putter Grips

Anyone know how to attach CT10 Club Sensor to SuperStroke Putter grip as they have a metal weight at the top and can't find a way to screw in the sensor to count putts.

  • Putter grips will have a variety of different design elements that may require extra consideration when securing the Approach CT-10 sensor into the grip end. Typically putter grips that are thicker will have a larger air hole to allow for easier installation of the grip to the club, but may not hold in the sensor as well as others... so it may be a good idea to consult with Garmin support, and the golf smith before re-gripping to gauge if the grip will allow a proper, secure installation of the CT-10, in a manner that will not risk loss, damage to the sensor, or the grip.

    The Approach CT-10 sensors are designed to screw securely into most conventional sized golf grip design standards...but depending on the brand/model...the grip may be have design features for other accessories like a counter-weight, ball tool, ...etc that may not be ideal, so another grip type may need to be considered.