If I do not sign off tracking and my contacts cannot contact me via any means can they contact inreach and raise an SOS.
If I do not sign off tracking and my contacts cannot contact me via any means can they contact inreach and raise an SOS.
How should this work?
contacts cannot contact me via any means
They do not know your location.
Sorry I meant to say if mapshare is enabled
Don't see how MapShare has anything to do with anything. Raising an SOS from the device is not something that MapShare can do.
If anyone were to contact GEOS (or IERCC, or whatever Garmin calls it this week) directly by phone to request an SOS on behalf of the out-of-touch device, I don't know how GEOS would respond. I was unable to find anything in the knowledge base about this specific topic. There was stuff about law enforcement requests for information when the iR user is "unable" to trigger an SOS. This leads me to believe that it is not going to be easy to convince GEOS.
It's worth opening a support ticket to find out. Please post back if you get an answer. Or perhaps Garmin-Chris can help.
Yep, not knowing the location is a problem. This is why you should ALWAYS enable tracking. That way, if you are incapacitated, at least SAR has a starting point (your last track point) for the search. /soapbox
Yes, yes, track points cost money on the safety plan. We're talking about your life here. A few bucks a day is cheap by comparison.
If your relative or friend is concerned about your safety, requests regarding information about you or requests to contact you in the field must be completed and submitted by a law enforcement agency. Garmin does not provide information associated with the inReach user unless an appropriate request is made by law enforcement regarding the emergency. For more information, see Law Enforcement Inquiries Regarding the Life or Safety of Individuals Using inReach Devices
In order for law enforcement to be of assistance, the relative or friend must independently contact the law enforcement agency (sheriff, police, SAR, or whatever) covering the area in which the inReach user is "lost". And law enforcement must be convinced that this is an emergency. At that point, law enforcement can use the form to ask Garmin for relevant information (such as last known location, MapShare page address, and so forth). The relative or friend should pass the KB link and/or form on to the law enforcement agency. They should also immediately provide any of the information which they already possess (such as MapShare link).
The main point here is that contacting law enforcement directly (coupled with the subsequent information request to Garmin) IS the substitute for an SOS from the device.