Montana 700i random Shut down

I have a relatively new Montana 700i.  The unit and mount are new since January.  I was out riding yesterday after updating to 19.20.  I went around a curve, looked down and the unit had powered down.  When I reviewed my track today, it looks like I caught it less than .25 miles from where it shut down.  It booted back up immediately. and continued for the rest of my trip, about another hour.  Battery was at or near 100%.

I thought this had been fixed, based on a few older posts.

  • God knows. Its a bug that they don't want to acknowledge.

    I've a brand new one bought from OS last week here that was doing it while being set up in th house having never ever been used!

    I couldn't start setting it up without having done the19.20 update otherwise I would love to have tried it to see if that's the actual problem.

    I'm going to not update the replacement for my bike when it gets here later this week. Shame GE won't let you just use the SD card/maps from another device despite it being a genuine Garmin one so you HAVE to update it BEFORE it will you download the maps through the device. Its a joke.