My Montana 750i tells me at every start "invalid satellite file"(ungültige Sattelitendatei).
However, once clicked away, later on it seems to work properly. Any idea what this means and where it comes from?
My Montana 750i tells me at every start "invalid satellite file"(ungültige Sattelitendatei).
However, once clicked away, later on it seems to work properly. Any idea what this means and where it comes from?
Hello Guido B.Please see the following link for troubleshooting this issue "Invalid Satellite File" Error Message on a Garmin Handheld.
Dear Jim,
you're my genius! Tons of thanks - that really was the missing hint, deleting an incorrect birdsEye file removed the error message
thanks and regards, GUido
Open a support ticket with your local support organization.
This message means that the satellite imagery (previously known as BirdsEye) files are not valid any more. You might want to try removing any you have and redownloading them.
Dear Jim,
you're my genius! Tons of thanks - that really was the missing hint, deleting an incorrect birdsEye file removed the error message
thanks and regards, GUido
i have the same problem, how did you know which birdseye files was bad
Hi ! just have a look here.
Hello Guido B.Please see the following link for troubleshooting this issue "Invalid Satellite File" Error Message on a Garmin Handheld.