Screen occasionally refuses to turn back on

Heya, I just got back from a 4 day bike trip and had the screen refuse to turn back on a couple of times. The unit is still powered up - when pressing the power button it beeps and as far as I can tell I don't lose any track recording data. I have to restart the device by long pressing and that seems to fix it.

I have battery save on and the screen set to lock+turn off after 30 seconds to save power and I feel like this is related to the problem. If I have to turn the screen on+off in quick succession it seems to be more likely to crash BUT after turning off battery save and manaully turning the screen off I didn't get a repeat of the problem.

Anyone else had this issue? I'm gonna send garmin a support ticket about it but curious if i'm missing a obvious solution or if this is a known problem.

  • Hello, I am going to send you a private message to gather more information. It sounds like it may be more of an issue with the Expedition mode. 

  • Hi - I have the same issue using a 750i on my MTB - the profile is Mountain Biking. This happens periodically once every 5 trips or so. The screen just becomes lifeless but data is still recording. I noticed it when following a route and am continually accessing the screen to check navigation. I do manage to get it to reboot but have to fiddle with the on/off button and eventually it reboots. However the recording activity does not seem to restart even though I think I have restarted it. I also have the 30sec time out but I do not always have battery save on.