Maps + subscription on Mini in-reach 2

Recently Garmin presented an offer of an annual subscription to Maps + for my in-reach mini 2, I love maps so I subscribed. I have been playing with these additional maps and overlays and have found over ½ of them do not work in Canada? This is disappointing but not as disappointing as paying almost 100 dollars a year for a Maps + subscription and also finding it doesn’t have Garmin’s “City Navigator” map set?

I don’t expect turn by turn speech guidance but certainly the map set would be easy enough for Garmin to include in its “Maps Plus” subscription service? I’ve used Garmin for years and it used to be for about 200 buck’s you could buy the City Navigator software?

Maps + should certainly include all of Garmin’s land-based map sets!

  • Since the Mini 2 doesn't support mapping I assume you're using the Garmin Explore app. The map layers included in outdoor maps+ in combination with the Garmin Explore app are indeed not available for all countries or regions. You can see on Garmin Explore App Map Features and Legend what features are available for Garmin Explore App.

    And not sure where you get the "almost 100 dollars a year" from? Assuming you're in Canada, Outdoor Maps+ costs CAD 69.99 per year.

    I think Outdoor Maps+ makes the most sense with a compatible Garmin device, such as a GPSMAP 67 or Fenix smartwatch. If you only use the Explore app in combination with OM+ there are way better solutions by other parties, like GaiaGPS. Any route you plot there can be easily transferred to the Mini 2 via Explore app.

  • I am indeed using the Garmin explore app, and 69.99 + 13% tax is “for the greatest part” (definition of “almost”) a hundred dollars. And I know all map layers are not available in all regions, this was my point: why does Garmin not include City Navigator as a value add to regions it could easily do so? I'm not suggesting they create something they don't have, but rather to include something they do have.

    I also agree that Maps+ doesn’t add much to the Explore app in Canada (other that satellite overlay (which is nice)), which is why a little value add would be a nice touch to make their subscription service more attractive to Canadians.

    I appreciate you pointing out that using the (outside of Garmin) service GaiaGPS exists, as I have not explored this route but will do so. It’s just unfortunate that we have to work around Garmin to have a feature that Garmin itself could easily provide.

    Thanks for your input.

  • You can submit ideas for new features or enhancements via the Share Ideas form. Not that you get any reply or guarantee that Garmin will do anything with it, but still Slight smile

  • Pretty sure Garmin is not going to "give away" City Navigator this way. Selling maps over and over and over again, one device at a time, is Garmin's way of doing business.

  • Well you would think that, but that's not entirely true. Outdoor Maps+ includes the TOPO PRO maps that Garmin (still) sells for many countries in Europe.

    That being said I also don't see Garmin including City Navigator in Outdoor Maps+ because you could argue that they are not really outdoor maps...

  • I have bought City Navigator for 2 previous devices, and I can assure you Google Maps and Waze far out preform City navigator these days.  So, between the 2 devices I spent almost $400 for the convenience (of everything in one place).  And I’d likely buy it again (If it was available for the explore app), so that would have been about $600 over a 20-yr period. If they had a subscription service (like maps+) that I had paid $60 bucks a yr for (over that same period) they could have doubled their profits and for the extra money I would have an up-to-date map service.

    It just seems to me that with Google maps, Waze and other free services being available it would be wise of them to switch up their game? Compition is getting stiff these days, Musk is entering the cell phone satellite arena, which I’m sure will soon extend to mapping and other satellite services. I’ve been a loyal Garmin guy, but sometimes they make it hard to argue in their favor.

    Thanks for your reply.

  • Good point regarding Europe.

    That being said I'm not sure why the label "Outdoor maps" would effect anything, roads are outdoors for the most part? It would be easy for them to add it to the subscription service and perhaps more people would subscribe or not cancel the Maps+ service like I intend to do?

    Anyway I'm manly just venting, I guess its just hard for me to watch Garmin fade into obscurity, but they won't be the first or the last to do so.


  • Outdoor Maps+ seems to be mainly geared towards outdoor activities, you can also see this on the OM+ product page. So that's what I meant with "outdoor maps", but I probably didn't phrase it well enough Slight smile

  • I have a street Motorcycle and that's an outdoor activity, I know because I'm reminded that it is every time it rains. Joy