InReach mini 2 no update available

How can I update my InReach Mini 2? 

I used either Garmin Express & Garmin Explore app to update my device, but it showed that I already have the latest version of 3.40. It is already a very old version. I already reset my device but it still can’t work out… Now I have Premium Plan but I don’t even have an option of 2-minute tracking… 

Is there anyone meeting this problem? 

  • The problems you mention are two different things.

    Failure to update the f/w is one thing. You are correct that 3.40 is very old. If you cannot update via Express, open a support ticket.

    Failure to "see" a new plan is a matter of syncing the device. Express does not do that. Explore app will do that for an M2 (but NOT for an M1 - so you need to be sure that you have an M2, not an M1.) IIRC, the M1 requires you to use the Earthmate app to sync.

    Open a support ticket.

    Edited to add: I might be wrong about Express NOT synching plan changes. When I just tried to research this, I went down the KB rabbit hole - and never found an answer.