So, starting Sunday. The map doesn't update with the tracking points on my InReach mini2. It used to be just fine, skiing, biking (even under a massive canopy of trees) it would track around every 10 minutes. Now it's just updating every few hours and right now, the last update on my map is 7:55AM and it's not 10:39AM my local time. Same thing the last couple of days, I only received a few tracks (even when moving kilometers aways from the last track). Support doesn't seem to have a clue and kept saying a canned response about the device going into power saving mode if I don't move 100 meters. Totally invalid reasoning, as like I said, I moved kilometers from the last track and it never gave me updates. The device itself seem to be sending tracks just fine as I see it update with messages similar to "tracks updated 5 minutes ago", but somehow the map just doesn't show the tracks.
Any ideas?