Weather forecast

On a recent trip I was unable to get a weather report for 'My Location' as the InReachMini2 could not get a GPS fix. This happened more than once in more than one place, My phone could locate me. It seemed like the InReach was not trying for long enough before showing an error. Has anyone else experienced this?

  • So that wasn´t a challaging envoirement (I assume), because your phone located you. That is strange. Do you remember if your EPO file (satellite positions) for better/quicker gps fix) was current? No, I luckily have not experienced this so far.

  • Just to be sure, are you certain it was an issue with the GPS location? Because you also say that “the inReach was not trying for long enough”, which seems to me like an issue with sending the weather request or receiving the response.

    The various GNSS systems (GPS, Galileo, etc) are different from the Iridium system. The former is used for determining your location, the latter for sending and receiving messages.

    You can check if the device has a GPS fix by going to Navigation and scrolling to your GPS coordinates.

  • Hello, can you include an image of the error you were getting? Is this still happening now? Is it possible there were environmental factors causing the poor gps signal? How Satellite Reception May Affect an inReach Message or SOS

  • The M2 is better than the M1. But they both have problems with acquisition of the initial fix.

    For the M2, make sure you have a current EPO file. Main screen > OK > Settings > System > About. Scroll down until you see EPO. It will say current or expired. If expired, it will be refreshed the next time you sync the device.

    Without a current EPO file, the unit will degenerate to a full sky search to for the initial fix. This is time consuming. To speed subsequent fixes, it will be forced to acquire the almanac from the GPS constellation. This takes a minimum of 12 minutes with an unobstructed sky view. May take up to 20 minutes or so. The unit will eventually acquire without a current EPO or a downloaded almanac. But it will take time.

    IMO, it is best to turn the device on, stand still until you have a fix. Only then should you move. The device should retain the fix with no problems. If you move before you have a fix, it may take a long time to get one...

    Weather at the current location is the least of your worries when you lack a fix. For example, sent track points will be suppressed if there is no fix.