How do I clear the previous TracBack? The menu does not have this option

The Mini 2 TracBack feature seems useful, but it remembers my first location from when I activated it. The manual does not show how to clear the TracBack track. A reviewer said it would happen automatically. Searching through all of the Navigation and Settings menus, I came up empty. I updated the software on 4/16/22, so I’m current. Anybody know how to clear it for the next ride/hike? Thx, Russ.

  • When in the field, use a type C to type C connection (I used the Samsung S21 charging cable). Connect the mini 2 to your android phone and mount it as a drive. You can then navigate the same file path/structure as you would in an windows based system and delete at any time (home or in the field) the temp Tracback files. However, I agree with you this is not practical and I am disappointed that after a year that this has been reported to Garmin, no simple updates to clear these temp file from the device has been issued. I just got mine and went crazy while testing seeing all these temp tracback paths on the device screen. Hope my suggestion helps, somehow.

  • Then you have the back to start feature Using Back to Start on the inReach Mini 2. This uses your latest activity/track.

    This is the very definition of TracBack, not Back To Start.