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The million dollar question: new Messenger app compatibility?

Apparently the new app - bringing with it the long requested message transport unification - will be compatible with other Garmin inReach devices (following a firmware update).

So which devices???

On the one want I can't see any technical reason why this shouldn't be ALL of them (the new special sauce all happens on the phone, the device itself needs to know nothing about it).. on the other hand I can see Garmin possibly using this as a nudge to encourage users of legacy products to upgrade, especially as I suspect inReach products likely have a longer owner-decides-the-need-an-upgrade cycle vs other Garmin devices. Then again, inReach product lines stand out as one of their few lines to attract ongoing monthly subscription (vs. upfront cost only) so it does still pay for Garmin to keep their existing user base happy with new features.

(said differently: I really hope they give their legacy products some love here - I really want this feature!)

  • For you it is a flagship device (I also have a 66i), but it is a device, which was released some years ago. Perhaps we will get it in the future, if there are no technical hw limitations as for the mini (1). 

  • For Garmin it is a flagship device. Their words, not mine. 
    My flagship device is a vanilla cupcake with sparkles.

  • Ok, the flagship term was used first in the press release note in 1999. But now 3 years are gone, and from a technical standpoint, the 66i is an old device and maybe a lame duck for Garmin. So the business works…Not every new feature makes it to older devices, sometimes due to technical/hw reasons, sometimes because they don’t want it. But maybe we will see it a while later for the 66i.

    Dcr wrote: „the list is: GPSMAP 66i, Montana 700i/750i, Alpha 200i, and the inReach Mini 2 units.“  The mini 2 already got it, so you have just to wait…

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 2 years ago in reply to BstyleKILLA
    instead has a 1999 version of messaging built in.

    What part of the Garmin Explore app do you find insufficient or lacking for messaging?

  • The Garmin Explore app does not do synchronous messaging, so the user experience is always the most expensive slowest and feels like it did with no app. It feels like sending a message is a chore basically impossible because this sync feature is missing. 

    Said another way, yes the Explore app provides a way to message, but the usability is limited by it not using available cell or wifi to message.

    Comparatively, the Garmin messenger app can at send messages and moves to network appropriately, so thus is superior IN EVERY WAY. 

    I do not see the value in 66i at this point. It is no longer a all-in-one device since it does not carry forward the functionality that is in the Garmin Messenger. 

    The only way to use current flagship features is to have two devices, a GPSMAP 65 + Messenger devices. 

    Please fix the 66i offering in software. It is not worth the money at this point it operates like 1999

  • Please fix the 66i offering in software. It is not worth the money at this point it operates like 1999

    If you only knew what 1999 was really like....

  • 1999 was pretty good. Sending a message was a thing back then too.

    Some dates ... 

    The Iridium communications service was launched on November 1, 1998. The LM700 satellite was first used in the Iridium system. The system used L-Band to provide the global communications. The Iridium system employed L-Band FDMA/TDMA signal at 4.8 kbps for voice and 2400 bps for data. Originally the handset was at $1300.00 and the service was at $7.00 per minute. 

    Globalstar launched the first satellites in February 1998. Full commercial operation started March of 2000 with service in North America.

    My point is not that 1999 was awesome though, its having messages only through satellite in Garmin Explorer, puts the 66i behind the competition in 2023 compared to "Garmin Messenger" and the "ZOLEO Satellite Communicator". 

    They had the 66i when they made the "Garmin messenger" thus making it out of date. Since it is Garmin's "flagship" product thats a problem for customer expectation.

    PS. If it is not the flagship product, show me its successor I am not sure on product lines totally

  • Maybe it was a flagship in 2019 (I accidentally wrote 1999 above), but now 3 years are gone and from a technical standpoint the 66i is an old device and can’t be compared with 2022 devices…

    But Garmin will probably add messenger app support for the 66i in 2023…(if it is possible for the 66i). Btw: which day had the last 66i fw update?

    Just my 2 cents and I am out here now. 

  • puts the 66i behind the competition in 2023 compared to "Garmin Messenger" and the "ZOLEO Satellite Communicator". 

    The GPSMAP 66i was announced in 2019. However, it is nothing more than a GPSMAP 66s/st with inReach added, and those were announced in 2018. Which makes them about 7 years old now when allowing for 'concept to development to prototype to release' time.

    Certainly no iPhone that old can do what the new models can. Why do you expect this from Garmin?

    And suggesting the GPSMAP 66i is behind the competition compared to a Zoleo? Please. They aren't even playing the same game. The Zoleo lacks most of the features and capabilities of the GPSMAP 66i.

    Since it is Garmin's "flagship" product thats a problem for customer expectation.

    ... or customer expectation is the problem?

    PS. If it is not the flagship product, show me its successor

    Coming right up....

  • Thank you for the 2cents it’s been informative