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Migrating from old Delorme Forum

Just moseyed on over here from the old forum to Garmin country.

Any DL community posters lurking?
  • Ue

    I also have made the move over. Was able to keep the same basic name.
  • migration from old Delorme

    I see several of the crew listed including the ones in this thread.

    Did a test hike up one of the local hills. I knew that there had been a bit of snowfall on the peaks, but hadn't expected there to still be frost and ice along the trails mid-day.

    I see that there is a way to attach images and videos in the icons above

    And I see we have to enter the distorted image (images?) Different procedure from the Delorme forums
  • Welcome! Let us know if we can help you with anything.
  • Already mad the jump

    I've been here for almost 4 years. Was at the Delorme forum since 2004.
  • Redirect

    I see that the url to the Delorme Forums now redirect to here, the Garmin Forums.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 8 years ago
    I've been here for almost 4 years. Was at the Delorme forum since 2004.

    I had to reactivate an old stale account to get here. I think I was looking for a new GPS when my Magellan Meridian Platinum died and decided I liked the DeLorme forums better for support.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 8 years ago
    Tried to access Derlorme Forum resources and here I am... Quite bitter to be honest..

    So the way I understand it, despite the fact that the first webpage after being redirected to Garmin says "DeLorme, Now a Garmin Brand", Garmin has no intention of using DeLorme as a brand or otherwise? Also am I to understand that the treasure trove of user resources, experience, advice etc that was available at DeLorme Forum and the website is now completely gone?

    Does anybody know if anybody kept a mirror of that website? I would love to start reposting the resources here in my spare time.

    Also, you all seem very calm about this, I guess maybe most of you saw this coming, but I was kinda away from any outdoor activities most of 2016 and just came back to start using my PN-60 this year and only just found out about Garmin's buyout of DeLorme, and TBH I am rather fed up. I think Garmin has really screwed DeLorme. I am not really surprised because DeLorme catered more to advanced users and I think that was their demise but on the other hand Garmin appealed to the lowest common denominator and that's why they did better as a company (ie profits). However as I would expect from a company with an inferiority complex Garmin it seems is trying to and has mostly succeeded in wiping out all traces of DeLorme... even the things they did really well at.

    Maybe I'm wrong and Garmin kept an accessible record of the Derlorme resources somewhere for people to use?
  • AFAIK, the DeLorme forum content is gone for good. Most of the support FAQs for the inReach line were moved to the Garmin support site. However, the extensive "table of contents" is gone. For the most part, you will have to search for what you need. I don't know how much, if any, of the PN-series content was moved.

    Garmin's interest in DeLorme is limited to the inReach line and (at least for the moment) the paper mapping products. The PN-series handhelds and the accompanying Topo North America software have been discontinued.

    Garmin does not provide forums for its own handhelds, let alone for orphaned DeLorme products. As I understand it, mods will delete posts related to handhelds even in situations where there are members willing to answer. The best remaining resource for DeLorme handhelds is the old user-contributed wiki at, which remains courtesy of HorseTrailRider. There is very little -60 content out there, but most of the -40 content still applies to the -60.

    AFAIK, the old DeLorme technical support, based in Maine, is no longer in service. At least, the number is no longer published. Corresponding interactive support from Garmin is available as described here. I have no idea how well or poorly this works. Nor do I know if any of the DeLorme support staff is still available. If you have occasion to use this, please post and let us know how it goes.

    A number of the DeLorme regulars have made the transition to these forums. Some of them checked in above on this thread. Within the forum rules, we'll do what we can to help smooth the transition.