My route keeps vanishing off my screen whilst following it! Also when I switched the unit on the other day all the courses that gad been there the day before had vanished!???

I've not had the 67i very long (Oct 24) but it's been a very poor journey so far fraught with issues and unknowns. The biggest problem seems to be the ridiculous codependency that is required between 67i and your mobile phone with the 3 Garmin apps on! 

After quite a few phone calls to Garmin support in the UK and many emails sent back and forth I still don't know what the problem is or if it is me and my usage of the unit . I am experienced with many different satnav units over the years by differing manufacturers but this is the most annoying complicated unit ever. 

However, I expect to get a unit out of the box brand new and download a gpx file and off I go following the neon trail over an Ordnance Survey map 1:25000 map. With the little icon representing me and my unit glued to the centre of the screen and the map rolling underneath following the track!!! THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT HAPPENING!!!

Sometimes the route just disappears as I'm walking along. Sometimes the icon vanishes off the side of the screen and does not stay centred!

I am so frustrated and it cost me £450 plus the £300 for the OS MAP 1:25000 SD card. 

  • Agree that the user experience of the GPSMAP 67 is quite complex and not very intuitive.

    That being said it would be helpful if you provide more info on what you are doing and what is actually happening.

    For example, how exactly are you loading your routes? And is it actually a route you are navigating, or a course or track? These are different things in the Garmin world and provide different navigation experiences. See What are Tracks, Routes, Waypoints, Activities, and Courses on Garmin Outdoor Handhelds?.

    The location cursor should stay in the center of the map screen, unless you move the map view using the directional keys. Maybe an accidental button press happened? If so you can go back to your current location by clicking the Quit key.

    To prevent accidental button presses you can use the Key Lock, this is enabled by pressing briefly on the Power button to access the status page, and then selecting Lock Keys. The Key lock can be disabled by pressing the Power button briefly again.

  • Hi thx for the reply. Well theu are gpx files made by me (or found online) using os and I've loaded it as a collection? Into Garmin Explore app and then it's synced with the 67i. Tried copying it as a course. No accidental keys as they are all manual buttons and no touchscreen. 

  • Ok I assume you’re loading the imported GPX files as courses then? How do you start navigating? Via Course Manager in the main menu or via Find > Courses? Or do you start the navigation from Explore app?

    And can you give more detail about what happens when navigating? For example with a screenshot?

    The GPSMAP indeed does not have a touch screen but it is still possible to accidentally press one of the buttons, for example when you carry it in a pocket or when it bumps against your body when carrying it on your rucksack strap.

  • ARE Courses and Course manager not the same thing?? Either way I've tried both! The picture shows the missing course yet to be completed! Also why is my icon at the bottom of the screen instead of central. 

  • Course Manager and Find > Courses are just two ways to achieve the same thing: starting course navigation. I was asking to understand how you're using the device.

    The location cursor not being in the center is normal, if you use the Track Up Map orientation. The map will rotate so that the direction of travel is always at the top of the screen. The location cursor is more to the bottom in the view so that you can see more of the area you're heading to.

    If you do not like this, you can change the Map Orientation to North Up, which means that North is always at the top of the screen. The location cursor will be more in the center of the screen.

    You can find this setting in Main Menu > Setup > Map > Orientation or by pressing Menu once when you're on the Map view and selecting Map Setup > Orientation.

    If you're in the UK you could also take a look at, they provide courses for using your GPSMAP in various forms: from online to classroom based to out in the field. They also have some videos on YouTube that show how to use the device, search for the Walk & Talk videos. (Note I'm not affiliated in any way with them but they provide interesting content on YouTube).

    • Thank you so much for your time - I've heard of gpstraining before but had forgotten. Anyway appreciate some of your comments. I have to say I really don't like Garmin satnavs and find them overly complex and finicky. I will go back to Garmin Support even though they aren't all experts by any means and don't seem able to provide a resolution to my issues. Thanks again.