How to Transfer NSW State Forest Maps, KMZ, to GPSMAP 67i

Is anyone able to assist on transferring NSW State Forest Maps, DPI , Deparment of Primary Industry to the Garmin GPSMAP 67i?

I have tried the method described using DPIs guide. It doesn't work.

I have tried using Base Camp and I get a message that cannot due to the following requirements "Maximum resolution per image; 11 Megapixel"

I understand that that the USB mode is now only MTP and that mass datat storage is no longer used. Although I dont know the technicalities of this.

Is there a solution?

  • Just so I'm on the same page - we are talking about Australian NSW maps from the department of public industry (DPI). In a quick look at their web site, I was unable to find a viewer, or any way to download maps.

    Where did you get this map? And what format is it in? 

    This appears to be what Garmin calls a "custom map". I don't typically use BaseCamp - I dump them right onto the device using Windows Explorer and MTP. No matter what approach you take to loading the map onto the device, it's not going to change the limitations. The KMZ file contains (at least one) map tile. The error you are getting from BaseCamp suggests that the tile(s) is(are) too large for the device.

    There should be information somewhere in the Garmin KB on the various limitations. If so, I can't find it. Other sources suggest that individual tiles should not exceed 1M pixels, that each tile should be less than 3MB, and that there cannot be more than 500 tiles in the file for the 67. Garmin does recommend 156DPI resolution for the JPEGs on the 66/67. 

    I realize that you have no control over the content of the KMZ. But these are some of the limits you might hit.

    You can TRY dumping it directly onto the device instead of using BaseCamp. The KMZ file belongs in the \Gamin\CuistomMaps\ folder, on either internal memory or on an SD card. This won't bypass device limitations. But it might help if the problem is actually BaseCamp instead of the device.

  • I think this might be the Support Center article that you are referencing: General Guidelines for Creating Garmin Custom Maps

  • Yes, that appears to be the one.

  • twolpert,

    Yes they are Australian NSW DPI maps.

    They are only available to Restricted License Hunters licensed with DPI> They show ares that can be hunted and which cant.

    They are in.kmz format.

    I will try your suggested methoid. But I think the size might be a issue. Some are 10MB comprising twelve or so different maps.

    I have tried converting them to GPX but the convertor I used wanted to only convert either the 'vector, or the 'raster'. The DPI maps contain both. As I found out when I overlayed the conversions in Google Earth Pro and had not detail.

    I have spoken with both DPI NSW and Garmin Australia in an effort to get them to talk with each other.

    I'll let you know how I go on the transfer.

  • twolpert,

    Thank you immensely.

    Dumping them straight into the "Custom Maps" folder on the 67 works and so far upto 17MB files.

    Ill let you know how bigger ones go in due course.