Connect IQ app data connection not working when connected with Explore and Connect apps

Ok so I got this strange issue on my GPSMAP 67 series handheld. I have the Komoot and Wikiloc Connect IQ apps on my device. Each app connects with their respective platform to get trails and download them to the GPSMAP.

When I pair the GPSMAP with the Explore mobile app on my iPhone 13 Pro, both connect iq apps work perfectly fine. But when I pair the GPSMAP with both the Explore and Connect mobile apps on my phone, the Connect IQ apps cannot connect to the internet anymore.

This happens when I start from a "clean slate", i.e. GPSMAP removed from Garmin Connect web, removed from Connect app and removed from Explore app. GPSMAP removed from Bluetooth settings on the phone, and phone forgotten from the GPSMAP.

So if I pair the GPSMAP with Explore only, the connect iq apps work fine.

If I first pair the GPSMAP to the Connect app, the connect iq apps work. If I then pair to the Explore app as well, the apps don't work anymore. Syncing between the GPSMAP, Explore app and Connect app works fine. ActiveWeather works fine. Geocache live works fine. Only Connect IQ apps won't be able to connect to the internet.

And to add to this, if I first pair the GPSMAP with the Explore app, Connect app shows the GPSMAP in the list of devices but with a message "attention required". When I select the GPSMAP from the list in Connect app, the app asks to add the device. When I start that process, iOS will show a dialog to select a (bluetooth) accessory, but this list stays empty, even though Bluetooth is turned and the GPSMAP is connected to my phone. So in essence I cannot pair my GPSMAP with Connect app after I have already set it up with Explore app.

Anyone else with their GPSMAP paired to both Explore and Connect mobile apps and able to use Connect IQ apps connecting to the internet?

EDIT: software versions: GPSMAP 8.50, Explore app 3.12.1, Connect app Komoot Connect IQ app 4.8.7, Wikiloc Connect IQ app 2.6.2