Course navigation issues

I'm having a couple of issues with navigation of Courses on my GPSMAP 67i (device software version 7.60). Maybe I'm not fully understanding how this functionality should work, so looking on some input on what I'm seeing.

In Garmin Explore app I created a simple Course as a loop around my block, consisting of 7 points. The start and end location are the same, so it is a round trip. Also in Explore I modified the icon of the points. This ensures they are shown as pins on the GPSMAP and are seen as Course Points.

Now when I navigate this course using Direct Path routing, the Distance to Next and Distance to Dest. data fields show the same value and this seems to be the distance to the first/last point of the course. This does not happen when I navigate the course using Roads & Trails routing. This also does not happen when using a Course that is not a loop (ie start and end points are not at the same location).

The active route page shows the same distance for each point (looks to be from my current location to the start / end of the Course), except for two points that show a very large value and time (looks like some kind data type overflow issue).

When I navigate the Course using Roads & Trail routing, a different course is actually loaded when I load the course from the device itself. When I start the navigation from the Garmin Explore app, the correct course is loaded.

Anyone else experiencing these issues?