GPSMap 67i shutdown reboot

Hi folks just wondering if anyone can replicate this 67i shutdown reboot issue I’m experiencing. Software version 6.6. 
From your map page, here are two of four that I have noticed. Using the ribbon menu, go to main menu, select waypoint manager, select a waypoint, select view map at the bottom,  now instead of selecting go at the bottom, press menu. Unit reboots every time and returns to the map screen. Now from any other screen on the ribbon menu, except the map screen, press find, then waypoints, or co-ordinates select a waypoint, instead of selecting go at the bottom press menu again, the device reboots again. Talked to Garmin about it and it’s being investigated. 

  • Found out something interesting about this issue. It only happens when you have a large field or small field dashboard enabled on the map screen, it doesn’t matter if the dashboard is hidden or displayed. I have noticed a considerable number of bugs on this device. Some are due to the way you configure the it. Perhaps it time to try a new unit, but this is number 2, due to a bad display on the first one. One has to wonder how much bad software costs Garmin in the long run. Returned units and dissatisfied customers that go elsewhere. In only 2-3 hours I can identify several issues, and this device is almost a year since it’s release. You have to wonder if Garmin has anyone that tests their software before it’s released. So many units with similar software, how can it be so hard to get it right.

  • Interesting, I'm indeed also able to replicate this issue. I also was able to replicate with having the Satellite dashboard enabled on the map screen, so it looks like it's not caused by any specific dashboard but by simple having the dashboard enabled. I'll be reporting this issue to Garmin as well.

    Garmin software quality could indeed be much better. Not only on the outdoor handheld devices but also on their bike computers (I also use an Edge 1040). It's a shame really because the hardware is (usually) pretty solid.

  • Hello I am going to send you a private message to gather more information and create a case for this issue. 

  • Thanks for checking, when I contacted Garmin, they said they couldn’t duplicate the problem, but later I realized I had my dashboard was hidden. I am almost positive their dashboard would have been turned off as that’s the default out of the box. I did email them later to tell them that, hopefully they read it along with my ticket number. It just shows you that you really need to remember when talking to others and Garmin that the configuration has to be the same on both units, which can easily be overlooked. I was pondering buying a second unit which has a 90 day return policy, just so I can double check all my bug findings as it makes you wonder if any could be hardware related, but I bet almost all are software issues. Here’s another bug perhaps you could check. 
    press Find, select waypoint, select a waypoint, it will say go at the bottom, press menu, select review point, it says go again, press menu, now select edit waypoint, after 10 seconds your back to the view map box, but if you wait 10 seconds, then select edit, it changes right away. Either way now you’re back at view map, now press menu and you get an edit page. Thru the main menu everything appears to work properly. 

  • I do see they have created a case. You can ignore my message as they seem to already have the information needed.