
I received today a mail from:

[email protected]

the mail more less formated website, looks Garmin like, and asks me to log into my Garmin account otherwise it will be deleted.

Strange thing, as I can not recall to use the mail address it was sent to at any time in any garmin connection and I am therefore not aware of any garmin account with this login. Also it is very unusual to have some account cancelled, as this was for years not possible even if I wanted and is rather complicated today still.

Anybody received similar mail?

  • If there is no activity on your Garmin account across all our sites and services for at least 2 years, your account will be deleted per our privacy policies. Multiple notifications are sent to the email address on the profile prior to deleting the account. See Inactive Account Deletion

  • Btw: Garmin-Chris: is the above mentioned email address used by Garmin?

  • That is a legitimate email from Garmin. Check the email From address and hover over the link to the login page to ensure it is taking you to

  • so far I did investigate little bit on that.

    who ever did write the text (link in Chris answer) has no idea what it is about, has no idea what an account under Garmin is, so the text is pure hot air.

    First: it has to be defined what an account is in this context.

    If someone buys an inreach device, he will open an account with Garmin or other similar provider. 

    I have some 250plus user accounts in an other account. What is now account here? As ordered by management of inreach department, many of the accounts are kind of technical accounts, with [email protected]. They have no communication over email at all. And yes, they need to be active even not being used for long time as they are for very specific cases of disaster recovery teams.

    The whole thing is again one of those ideas having only one physical person with one inreach device in the hand.

    Garmin sales is travelling to exhibitions, looking for professional customers, but within Garmin, nobody knows what professional customer is.

    And those mails, it is just a copy of a website directly pasted into body of a mail. We all learned by now, that when a mail contains anything where one can click and is asked to enter some credentials, this is definitely to be deleted immediately.

    Most people will simply disregard this and delete it. Or did someone at Garmin never attended any of the IT security training?

    BTW: there are countries, where sending such mail is simply criminal offense, so well, it is not posible to simplify all and let the work to be done by inexperienced youngsters.