66i not connecting to android phone apps

My Garmin 66i is not syncing or connecting with any of the android apps.  Ie explorer, connect.

Any known fixes? 

I've contacted support. They are stumped.

Apps reinstalled. 

Devices restarted etc

Or is this a common problem? I've since read the reviews of the explorer app on the Google play store and found it rates badly.

Alternatively, how else can one load routes/ gpx files onto the device?

Thanks in advance Smiley

  • Not an Android user. Speaking from Apple experience. YMMV. The conventional wisdom is to force both ends (phone and device) to forget one another. Then redo the pairing from dust. From the phone end, if you have the option to pair via the Android operating system, DO NOT do it that way. Pair from inside the Garmin app.

    I assume this is what support told you. If not, try it that way. 

    i also assume that you can successfully use other BT devices (for example, ear phone or buds) with this phone. If not, phone might have A BT problem.

    And, of course, the device might have a BT problem. You can test that by pairing with a friend’s Apple phone.

  • Is your 66i listed in the bt settings of your phone? If yes, delete it and try to connect it again.