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GPSMAP 66i Software 9.50

Change Severity


Change Log

Added support for Garmin Messenger App
Added inReach post messaging UI
Added support for inReach group messaging
Added support for upgrading from inReach Presets to Check-Ins
Added seconds to waypoint timestamp
Added support for updating the address of a message received from an unknown address
Improved behavior when inReach marine weather request fails
Improved waypoint date format for some languages
Fixed possible shutdown on mark waypoint page
Fixed possible shutdown for CIQ apps
Fixed possible issue with course navigation where the wrong course would be navigated
Fixed possible device shutdown during GPX export
Fixed collections manager layout with large numbers of points
Fixed possible issue preventing active weather data from being downloaded
Fixed layout of Active Route page
Fixed possible issue with searching for waypoints near a city
Fixed possible issue where POIs wouldn’t appear on the map
Fixed issue preventing the user from cancelling a power on master reset
Fixed issue preventing spell search results from being useable
Fixed potential issue where plan details would unnecessarily prompt the user to activate
Fixed several minor graphical issues