Geocaching sync is complete and utter garbage?

To add to the long LONG list of troubles I've had with my new 66i, geocaching sync seems complete rubbish...

* Have 4 lists from  The first list got stuck on 40% synced, and wouldn't budge. The others stuck on 0%.  Spent hours fiddling and couldn't get it to work.

* Eventually decided to clear all the geocaching data and start again. This time, spent hours fiddling around, and was stuck on 0%.

* Then I thought, hey maybe if I plug it into my computer and use the web site sync feature, that must surely work.

* sync is garbage, every time I hit that sync to Garmin button, it says "Can't find explore app", even though I have the explore app, which does in fact find the downloaded file and start syncing it, nevertheless a bad experience.

* As far as I can tell, syncing by cable with doesn't actually download the cache details, just the list... which doesn't help at all. WTF? Surely if you're going to take the time to physically cable your device, it should download EVERYTHING... but no... you still have to then hope and wait it will wireless sync the cache details. 

* That didn't work either, waited around for half an hour and nothing happened

* Decided to give it one more try, removed all cache data from the device, synced by cable with, then hit "sync" on the device. FINALLY after another wait, my list synced.

* Overall time lost trying to download one geocache list: 6 hours.

My assessment of the 66i:

* Collection manager is broken (for reasons shared in other postings here)

* Map share is broken (for reasons shared in other postings here)

* Security of your map share data is broken.  (for reasons shared in other postings here)

* web site is broken  (for reasons shared in other postings here)

* And now geocaching is broken.

And this company somehow owns and runs a satellite constellation?