Expedition mode in 8.80 ?

after update to 8.80 , I was on a mission and have set a fully charged 66i to expedition mode (auto)

Surprised that instaed this would preserve power for longe time as I was used to before, this time the battery was drained to less then 5% after abt 12hrs

Is there some bug in exp mode in 8.80?

  • I did set up 2 units via express and had no choice then update to 8.80

    But apparently in other regions the 8.80 was not published at all, or withdrawn(?)

    What FW version do you have currently? 8.50?

  • I am on 8.80 - via WebUpdater. I am located in Germany/Europe.

  • Well, hopefully they pulled the update while they fix this major mistake. Anyone on a multi day trip when this happened would have been up a creek without a GPS unless they had a pile of reserve batteries. Sheesh. 

  • Well, my hunt went as well as the Firmware 8.80 update: no elk, and no expedition mode. Back home and chatted with Leslie at Garmin support, who told me that it's a known problem and they will notify me when they have a solution. Made a plea to escalate priority on fixing it--after all, the 66i is Garmin's flagship GPS/InReach device and Expedition Mode is a prime selling point. No way I would have gone to a non-replaceable-battery unit without that capability. 

    Seems odd that there's not more complaints visible online--which makes me wonder if only some subset of 66i's have the problem. I seldom "early adopt" on technology, and in fact carried my ACR beacon as a backup for several months after I started using the 66i. I'm often alone in the outback and having satellite signaling capability is the bargain with my wife (not to mention with my life). It was the first time I relied solely on the 66i that we stumbled into a medical situation in the San Juans of Colorado that necessitated an air evac, and it worked like a charm. But it was three days into our hike, and without the expedition mode functionality I would have had a dead GPS unit.  Anyway, mine was from the early production, so I wonder if this deadly bug affects only earlier units?

  • Hello, I am going to send you a private message for further details. 

  • I've just had the same problems after software update. Specifically in expedition mode: tracking doesn't work, unit hangs on restarting and battery drains quickly. Any news on a fix?

  • I’ve heard nothing from Garmin since I contacted them a couple weeks ago. I’d encourage you to contact Garmin support and let them know you’ve got the same problem and if you are on Facebook, post in appropriate forums—-there are InReach and 66i user groups. I don’t know how to motivate Garmin to fix the mess they created except making it visible on social media. 

  • as I am on the professional account, I have contact with the support there. Yes,I did ask again what is going on and was just told that devs are testing....

    I will need to prepare an other more complete report with screenshots etc and pass it there as well.

    I was asked earlier if I could assist the devs with some testing etc, but did not receive any communication from garmin devs so far.

    Next report I will do in next days hopefully and see what is going on. It is a total failure of someone at garmin, at least who ever is responsible for software quality assurance did fail completely

  • Thanks for the replies and the suggestions. I'll contact Garmin support now.

  • I'm extremely unimpressed with Garmin Support.

    I explained the issues, and mentioned that multiple people have been experiencing similar issues for the past month (and linked to this thread). This is the final response I received on Dec 23rd:

    "Due to the nature of internet forums, people will express their personal views which they are entitled to do and we have no control over this. Our preference would be for them to contact us first so that we can offer support.

    You will likely therefore, find other users that have experienced similar issues to yourself, and the same can be found for any electrical device and potential issue, but these do only make up a very small minority of users, and very few of these turn out to be genuine faults.  As such, whilst regrettably faults can occur, as they can on any electrical device, there are no known faults with these, which can cause this.

    In regards to your issue can you advise us on the 'Resuming from Expedition Mode Not Working with New Software Version 8.80'. Can you confirm if this is one of the issues you are experiencing?"