SMS does not work on my device-Argentina, Patagonia.

Dear friends, I live in Argentina, in Patagonia. My device is a GPSMAP 66i and it does not work with the Mapshare application. I have sent many SMS. With Claro it never worked, with Movistar only a couple of times, AT / T and Movistar Spain received. I have been in contact with Garmin Latam support (Hector and Felix) by phone for 1 month and they have not even responded to emails. Garmin Argentina (GPS Mundo) pretend to be distracted and continue to sell equipment that does not work to send SMS. I am currently in a complaint with Claro Argentina and every day they call me and send me emails to solve it. I have a corporate plan with my company of 120 telephone lines and I told them that if they did not solve it, I would go to Movistar. I hope the threat works and they can solve it. Greetings to all the forum.

  • we experienced this also here in Switzerland some years ago. One provider was not able to forward the msg. It took rather big intervention from our org so the provider make it work after some time. But we have a .gov org behind us, so we had enough power to sort of order it.