Tracking stops at random times

I have had my 66i for just over a month and just had it on a month long backpack.  I have noticed several times that it decides for some reason to turn off tracking.  This means that I need to check it as often as I can to ensure that it is still tracking (sending coordinates via satellite to people watching my activity).  This happens perhaps once a day -- sometimes after only an hour or so, sometimes after 4 or 5 hours.  I haven't identified any pattern.  Is this a well known problem or bug or anything others experience?

  • Back again months later.  Probably two things to say at this point.

    1 - Updating the unit entirely changed how all this works.  I cannot applaud how Garmin handles and documents updates (a newer version got installed than what is documented anywhere on the web and what documentation I searched made no mention about dealing with this issue), but ...

    2 - Since the update I have never experienced the Inreach tracking turning off unexpectedly.  This is good.  The new firmware does link activity and inreach tracking, which is OK, but sort of stupid.  When you turn on Inreach tracking, you get activity tracking also, like it or not.  I'll take this with reliable Inreach tracking though.

  • What happens now if, while inReach Tracking and recording controls are active, you stop the track log to save then clear the current recording (perhaps saving a section of trail or similar for future reference), then restart recording controls tracklog again?

  • Try it and let us know.  I think if you did all that you would have plenty of time on your hands and could check Inreach tracking.  If this did result in Inreach tracking getting turned off it would be in relation to something you did, not just some mysterious "it turned itself off" that I initially complained about.  But you underscore the point that they really really should make these entirely independent.

  • hi atlas, you are asking in fact a procedure I described some days ago to support and management ;-)

    Is there a FW update to the 8.50?

    I could pinpoint the problem to following situation:

    1. Switching 66i on

    2. having it on for some time, perhaps doing the function check

    3. (observing IR tracking still ON as it was switched on during boot)

    4. stopping the activity recording and deleting data, mainly to delete the local 'spider net'

    5. activity recording starts automatically, because it is set to do so

    6. start moving, activity on the map, but no IR points are sent, thought unit is set to IR being coupled to activity

    7. IR tracking will not start however with the start of activity recording, unless it is started manually

    This does happen only after the unit was started (booted)

    It will not happen on any later stop-start activity recording.

    This behavior is reproducible under 8.50 FW

  • Yes, Garmin is being very stubborn about allowing these features to function totally independent of each other. 

  • well, it would be OK to start each other when configured in  settings so. But then it has to work triggering each other without any exception.  No excuse for a failure to start in such case.

    If configured in settings to work independent, clearly each of the functions has to be started manually. No problem then, the user is responsible in such case.