Tracking stops at random times

I have had my 66i for just over a month and just had it on a month long backpack.  I have noticed several times that it decides for some reason to turn off tracking.  This means that I need to check it as often as I can to ensure that it is still tracking (sending coordinates via satellite to people watching my activity).  This happens perhaps once a day -- sometimes after only an hour or so, sometimes after 4 or 5 hours.  I haven't identified any pattern.  Is this a well known problem or bug or anything others experience?

  • +1 for full independence. But I think we lost that battle while back Slight smile

    I suspect that the new setting does not actually change the start/stop behavior and linking. It only removes the warnings that alert you to the fact that it's about to screw up...

  • Well, I am still pushing for it, and I recommend to everyone DO NOT BUY INREACH INTEGRATED GPSr. Use an external inReach device with your traditional GPSr.

  • It is a bug.  I would only call it a feature if it the behavior was clearly documented.  I 100 percent agree that activity tracking and inreach tracking should be entirely separate.  I may still be within the return window to take this thing back to REI, and would have little remorse about doing so.  Given this situation, I have to agree with Atlas, that you should buy a dedicated Inreach device and avoid all this mess -- if you are serious about safety and having a unit that sends Inreach tracking information reliably.

    What might work is to simply never enable "activity tracking" at all, and I may try this experiment at my next opportunity.

  • But so many of us rely on Activity Tracking GPX tracks to document trails, roads, etc.

    Not using Activity Tracking is not an option for most of us.

  • I had few fails already, today another. All is set to start automatically tracking. Switched 66i on, and went for longer walk. No tracking. I noticed when abt in the middle of the walk that I have no points on the map. Tracking was OFF.

    This a maximum disaster. This is a safety device and when the tracking is set to automatic, it **MUST** start automatically under absolutely any circumstances.

    There is no excuse at all. It is simple software design failure.

  • Open a support ticket. The more people who report it, the more likely it is to be addressed (soon).

  • While has all the basics correct (in so far as I know) in the diagram, there is a distinction between pausing activity recording and ending it. Pausing it allows you to resume/continue the same activity. Ending it actually saves the activity. I don't know that the distinction makes any difference as far as interaction with iR tracking, but it is MIA from the diagram.

    The diagram shows a process flow for 'Stopping Activity Recording' that clearly explains how inReach Tracking will react based on when it was started. Saving the activity recording will not change this result.

  • The problem is, that inreach tracking does not start automatically even if it is set to do so in the settings.

    There might be many nice diagrams and flow charts and so on, but if the device does not do what it is told in random matter, then it is of use at all.

    When set to auto, the device is switched on, the tracking has to start under any circumstances.

    There is absolutely no excuse for not starting inreach tracking.

    What ever logic is behind it, it simply does not do the job. It is heavy bug in it somewhere. Simply a failure at the dev site.

    Yes, I filed a ticked at support, with all detailed recordings, scrn shots,  doubt I will get an useful response to it.

    Plans for order of few hundreds 66i had to be stopped, as such malfunction makes the device of no use for serious applications.

  • Yes, there eare many here who agree that the 'logic Garmin has applied in not intuitive at best, and simply faulty at worst, myself included. We have worked hard at trying to convince Garmin that inReach Tracking and the Activty Recording must always operate independently. At minimum, neither should start, pause, or end without explicit instructions from the user to do so. As twolpert points out, the only way forward with the current implementation is to check the status of both Activity Recording and inReach Tracking on a frequent basis, as it is all to common to discover the device isnnot doing what you last instructed it to do.....

    Come on Garmin, get it together! Admit you screwed this up and fix all inReach devices now!