Latest update appears to be a bit of a mess and is only partially drawing the maps. Street level detail appears to be missing and/or incomplete.
Is there something obvious that I am missing?
Everything was working fine until I updated.
Latest update appears to be a bit of a mess and is only partially drawing the maps. Street level detail appears to be missing and/or incomplete.
Is there something obvious that I am missing?
Everything was working fine until I updated.
Coordinates for above photo?
N 43º39.4495' W 079º23.3835' -- essentially downtown Toronto.
Device is also having trouble syncing with Garmin Connect. I have flushed the device from Connect and added it again and deleted the sync folder from C:\Program Data ...
Could it be that the map set, although fully downloaded, is simply not syncing with the device?
The Map displays properly on two different GPSr I have tested on. I suspect another map is interfering. Please disable all remaining maps and retest.
I had all my other maps turned off, so I don't think that was an issue. I decided to go ahead with a hard reset -- working my way through that now and it looks as if the maps are now displaying properly. I can see, for example, the street outside my house. The device is still not syncing with Garmin Connect, but that seems like a separate issue altogether. And I can live with that for the time being ...
Thanks for your help.
Much appreciated.
Glad it is working now.
Hard reset is next to the most amount of work, so I tend not to recommend that solution right away!
Ha! No kidding.