Approach Z82 Laser Distance Not Working

My Approach Z82 laser rangefinder has stopped working. I've updated the software and the laser rangefinder does not lock on to a pin or give out a distance reading. The GPS still works but it no longer has a pin distance. When on "Sight Something" mode, it gives out a reading of 400+, 300+, 100+, 6, then 0 and does not lock on.

It seems that I purchased a Laser Rangefinder with GPS, but I'm left with a GPS with a Laser Rangefinder that does not work. This is totally unacceptable for a $500+ product to stop working right after the warranty period ends.

  • I am sorry to see the experience you are reporting with your Approach Z82 laser, and I am sending you a direct message to get some additional info from you on your recent experience and contact with Garmin. 

    Please keep an eye out for my direct message in the message icon section in the upper right section of the forums site. 

    - Thank you kindly

  • I have exactly the same issue so please advise what the solution is.    This is the second time this has occurred for me, i updated all the software and it worked again temporarily but now it’s useless for sighting anything again

  • Check and make sure your Z82 is up to date to the most current version by connecting to a home computer, and syncing through the Garmin Express program. Install any updates as needed, after checking in Garmin Express. 

    I am not sure all of the details surrounding your concerns with the Z82. If you are noticing any concerns with the Z82, try performing a hard reset on the device, by pressing and holding the middle button on the top of the viewfinder and keep it held for about 20 seconds > Then release the button > Power the Z82 back on normally and after the unit reboots, see how it is working after that point. 

    If you continue to have concerns after performing the hard reset, I recommend contacting Garmin Golf Support to speak with a specialist to discuss the issue more in-depth and support can determine further solutions from there. 

  • After my experience of performing a hard reset and updating software, the issue still persisted. The only viable solution was to request a replacement. This issue remains to occur more than it is reported to Garmin as I've seen multiple reports posted on other forums.

    Garmin customer service is top notch, so if you present them with the necessary documents and information, they will take care of you.

  • Thank you, have sent an email to support as resetting the device and updating the software does nothing.   GPS and course map on the screen work ok but it will just not lock onto any flags and give the yardage whatsoever