Is the Z82 no longer supported because of new Approach coming?

There has been known and reported issues with the latest 4.40 firmware.

The multiple reported issues are that the the pin location measured by the laser falls many times out of the Font, Middle and Back distances reported by the GPS intergration.

It looks like the GPS F,M,B, take precedent over the laser measurement.

This is also reported in Youtube review clips of the Z82.

Also the elevation corrections are many times not accurate.

The z82 switches sometimes during the round off and is a real battery drain.

For over one year there has no new firmware released addressing these issues.

Because of this i can not use the laser with the hybrid/advanced the 2-D GPS overlay maps mode (Sight Something).

The whole reason and unique point of the Z82 is obsolete now.

Can we expect a firmware update soon?

Is the Z82 no longer supported and has it reach its end of support cycle.

Is there any new upgraded Z rangefinder in the pipe line?

  • Same issue here :( absolutely unreliable with all firmwares (App & Rangefinder) up to date… they really need to fix that 

  • The Approach Z82 is still supported, and updates to the software are not being discontinued. Updates to the Approach Z82 will continue to be released in the same manner that other Garmin products receive...which is on an unscheduled basis as improvements to the device are developed for release. 

    Those with any concerns regarding their Approach Z82 should ensure their software is up to date on the most current version for both software and course mapping. Then if concerns continue, you should reach out to Garmin Support to discuss the issue so further solutions can be provided based on the acquisition of more information regarding the concern. 

  • Hi Cody, thanks for your reply. 
    Will the Z82 get an update to include some of the new features that are included on the Z30? 
    I always thought it was a bit crazy it can’t talk to my watch. 

  • There are not any announcements at this time regarding an option for the Approach Z82 receiving the pair to watch feature available on the new Approach Z30. If anything changes, I will be sure to post here on the thread. 

  • Hi Cody I'm having problems with my z82 my yardage is off like 15 yards from the gps overlay when I shoot the pin is there any new updates coming out I have 4.40 and my courses are up to date thanks 

  • I recommend checking the Settings > System > Units of measure section on the device to confirm that the device is set to Yards and not Meters. 

    The other factor to confirm when lasering the flag and comparing the front, middle, and back distances displayed on screen from to make sure the Z82 is displaying the overview and distances for the correct hole you are located on, and not still on a previous hole. Then also confirm the GPS distances for the front, middle and back are updating and decreasing as you progress further down the hole to the green after teeing off. 

    The Plays Like Distance feature updating the yardages for slope should also be considered when comparing the distances. 

    If you continue to have concerns, please contact Garmin Support to speak with a golf specialist so more info can be discussed for context to further determine what is causing the concern with the distance shown.