Record a round

Hello hope everyone is well 

I am struggling with the putting aspect when scoring so the following is what’s happening 

set up to tee off, take the drive the watch asked what club which is fine arrive at the ball take next shot the watch asks for the club again fine 

when the ball is on the green is where the problem is my question is how do you finish the hole and mark the score 

I know you can mark the put but once you have taken the first put and holed do you stand over the holed out and mark it again 

this is my issue 

I know when you walk off the hole you can then add the strokes and the pits but in the actual score it’s not recording the score it’s showing that I am scoring a lot Les than actually am 

help please 

  • Prior to walking on the green, you must set the flag position in relation to where it is located on the green for that day. Then from the green view screen, tap the upper right button to get the "Putt Marked" alert which will mark your position based on the GPS location of where you are ensure you are right next to the ball on the green when marking the putt to ensure the location is accurate since it is from where you are standing. 

  • Hi Thanks 

    does that mean when I have marked the putt as you said  and then putt the ball in the hole it will register it as finished hole or do I have to press the red button when over the hole to close or does it log the final stroke when I walk off the green 


  • When you mark the final location of the last putt stroke, the location of the pin marked prior to stepping on the green is also marked so for reference after the round. 

    So if you marked your last ball location for the final putt into the cup, that will mark the last putt on the shot map.