CT1 or CT10 sensors

Hi all,

I have an S70 approach and was about to buy the CT10 sensors for game tracking.

ive just seen the CT1 sensors have been released today and are listed as compatible with S70. 

what is the difference between the two sets of sensors. CT1s are half the price of the CT10s, but otherwise I can’t see what the benefit of buying the CT10s over the CT1s would be at double the price 


  • The Approach S70 is compatible with the Approach CT-1 sensors. The site does not need correction, as the compatible devices section on the product page is correct. 

  • Hello Garmin-Cody, sincerely would have been much better to specify on the site that the S70 would be compatible in the future (and hopefully when), because at the moment it is not. I understand that technically the watch has all the features needed to be compatible, but if the software is not there then it is not possible to use the tags. As a matter of fact, I already bought and installed the tags but I cannot use them, so difficult to say they are compatible as for today. Said that, it is also difficult for me to understand why there is not a date for the new sw update: normally all products have a release date roadmap, difficult to believe that this is not true for the S70. Not to be controversial, but this is all rather anomalous. I hope it will be resolved soon.

  • 日本のサイトではまた対応デバイスからS70がなくなりました。




  • The Approach CT-1 sensors and the Approach S70 are compatible, and the Approach S70 is awaiting update, for the Approach CT-1 option to show visible in the Golf Settings > Club Tracking menu on the S70.

    Please note the following as outlined below:

    • The Approach CT-1 sensors not showing in the Club Tracking menu on the Approach S70 is not a warranty-related issue.
    • For context, the Approach S70 was released a little over 2 years ago and software features advertised did not include Approach CT-1 sensors because the sensors did not exist until we announced them a month ago.
    • The Approach S70 is in the process of being updated to provide pairing and use to the Approach CT-1 sensors.
    • Once pairing to the Approach CT-1 sensors has been added to the software on the Approach S70, users will be notified with the update available prompt. 

    If you refer to the US official site for Garmin, the Approach CT-1 sensors are showing in the compatible devices tab on the product page for the Approach S70, which you can reference in the link here: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/847706/pn/010-02746-02#devices

  • Once the update becomes available to install for S70 users, the new update will be notified to users, per the change-log information published. So the update to the S70 containing the the addition of the CT-1 sensors to the club tracking menu in golf settings on the Approach S70, would be referenced from there confirming the pairing option on the S70. 

    We do not have a specific timeline to provide as to when the S70 will be updated to show the pairing options for the CT-1 sensors. Garmin does not provide specific dates or timeframe info on the release of public software updates, as the timeline can vary as the update is in-progress of being released. 

    The Approach S70 forums section here on the site will also be updated providing the new version info, change-log as any S70 updates are made available for install. 

    As I mentioned to another user on this thread, the Approach S70 was released a little over 2 years ago and software features advertised did not include Approach CT-1 sensors because the sensors did not exist until we announced them a month ago. 

    The Approach S70 is compatible with the Approach CT-1 sensors, and the availability of pairing the CT-1 sensors to the Approach S70 is pending-implementation with the software of the Approach S70. 

  • Hi GoruGoru


    Bought mine through the Garmin Japanese website and already received it.
    Then, got an email from Garmin Japan extending the warranty to 2 years (1 additional year) - see below

    この度は、Garmin公式オンラインショップでご購入いただきありがとうございます。 現在、公式オンラインショップでご購入いただいたお客様限定で、「Garmin 公式オンラインショップ1年延長保証サービス」を付与させていただいております。

    ご購入時にご入力いただいた内容について、間違いがないかご確認ください。 なお、本メールは「Garmin 公式オンラインショップ1年延長保証サービス」の保証書になりますので、 保証期間が終了するまで大切に保存してください。

    And S70-47 to be supported soon according to he Japanese website https://www.garmin.co.jp/products/intosports/approach-ct1/

  • 私はCT1の対応デバイスにS70があることを確認した上で、公式サイトではなくゴルフショップにて注文しました。


  • If the Golf Shop you bought the CT1 from is an official Garmin retailer (eg: Victoria Golf, Golf5, Yamada denki, Yodobashi, Bic Camera...), then you should get the additional +1 year warranty.
    Just ask the shop.

  • ありがとう





  • So you let us buy the CT1 for our S70 knowing they don't work?? This is absolutely terrible customer service.