Scorecard Improvements

Just filed my first round on the Golf app using the watch. Distance info was great, watch is great, but the post round scorecard experience is underwhelming compared to other golf apps I've used. So first, some suggestions:

Can the hole score color scheme from the outside of the watch get added to the scorecard? It's just black and white at the moment, with the hole and the score.

When rotated to landscape, please add a row for penalty shots - I get to record them at the end of the hole, but can't see them on the scorecard, which is odd. It would also be nice to be able to share the more detailed rotated scorecard.

Now to a question...

Do i need to be concerned about / Is there any way to remove individual shots from stats? I'm conscious that I had to bunt out of the rough with a 4h a few times today, which were the only times I used that club. So I'm now wondering if the virtual caddy is going to start recommending that club for 90yd shots rather than >160 yd shots if I use it for bunting too much.

  • Agree about scorecard. the one in the site "Garmin Connect" seems to have taken a step backward. I'd like to see some color, etc.

    Regarding your shots/stats question? This has come up often. Some people add a 'recovery' club to bag and mark those odd shots that way. If you are not using CT10s, you can just ignore on watch and it will be "unknown".

    As well, you can edit post round on site and mark clubs/shots as something else.

    I don't know what the official word is form Garmin on this. Maybe they exclude outliers, maybe not. Until you know 100%, I'd choose the other options.