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CT10 and how does Garmin handle scenarios

I guess this question could apply to any watch but as a S70 owner, I'll add here.

Curious how Garmin handles the following scenarios and data collection.

1. Chip from off the green to 1 foot. Playing partner says 'good' and tosses me the ball. I record 1 putt. I don't walk to ball. I don't putt. I'm not near whole.

Is the a good chip in Garmin data? Is it a long putt, medium or short? Where is that one putt recorded. Putter never left bag.

2. Putt from 30ft to 1 foot. Same as above. Putted once. Recorded 2 putts

Is this a long. medium or short putt? What is the second putt?

This probably happens to most golfers 4-5 holes a round. 

I've held off on a CT10 for these types of reasons. I'd be more open to adding a sensor if Garmin can explain how these quite common things are handled.

  • I don’t agree that these situations are common. Holes can only be given in matchplay. According to the rules you have hole the ball in all other playing forms.

  • I'm familiar with the rules of golf. 

    But some people approach golf more laid back and social and a gimme is actually quite common. 

  • If taking a "gimme" putt where your golf partner agrees to let you pick up the ball vs actually completing the putt...the sensor attached to the putter will be one putt short on what should have been tracked. 

    Completing all of the putts using the sensor attached putter is recommended to ensure your data is correct for the round. 

    "Gimme" shots are not factored into the shot detection design of the S70, nor the CT-10 it is not part of the rules for golf. 

    You mentioned that you are currently not using the CT-10 sensors with the S70, and the S70 AutoShot feature only detects full swing shots, so it does not support shot detection for putts and chip shots. 

    Taking one putt and then not taking a second putt resulted in two putts being tracked due to the stat tracking feature at the end of the hole that prompts the user to enter putts, penalties, and fairway position...then the watch prompts the total strokes for the hole to be entered. 

    So to your point above of the S70 watch as, "recorded 2 putts" the watch without the CT-10 sensor has no way of recorded putts, the user must enter the amount of putts themselves per the Stat Tracking prompt.