Incorrect distances

I have used the S70 for a few rounds at my home course, but the last two rounds the distances have been way off.

On one hole tee to green with my Z82 shows 324 yds but the watch is showing 227 yds.  As I get closer to the green the differences are less.  When I'm 80 yds out the watch shows 20 yds.  When I'm about 170 yds out the watch shows 120 yds.

I haven't received the new update yet but don't know if it will fix the issue.

  • im getting correct distances front/center/back however i am still getting the EXACT same distance when i look at the plays like when the pin is well above or below me.

  • I rebooted by watch last night and today the distances seemed to be ok.  I also received the firmware update this afternoon so I'll see how it goes tomorrow.

    1. It’s happening to me quite often, so often that I’m not able to trust it :-( rebooting works for a while but eventually goes a stray after a few rounds. I’ve just updated to 13.25 so will see how that goes
  • Make sure version 13.25 (version as of 6/28/2023) is installed to your Approach S70. 

    Please ensure your device receives the software update per the support page here: (Installing the Latest Software and Course Updates to an Approach S70 Watch

    Direct message me if you continue to have concerns with distance, so I can gather some additional information please. 

    Thank you! 

  • Prior to 13.25 my distances always showed shorter then it should be.  After installing 13.25 distances were good for a couple of rounds, but today the distances were longer then they should be.  I played with 3 other people who had lasers and watches and they were all with a yard or two.  But my watch was usually 50 or so longer.  Glad I had my Z82 to verify the correct yardages.

  • And just to verify, it was the normal F/M/B yardages, not the play as yardages.

  • If you have verified the front/middle/back values are not PlaysLike distance derived (Golf Settings menu on S70 showing PlaysLike switch set off...or by toggling the distance by tapping the front, middle, back section of the screen...and have verified no dots, up, or down arrows showing next to the three distances) ..then you would also want to ensure that the Golf Distance Units setting in the Golf Settings menu is also showing set to "yards" as opposed to "meters". 

    Consider also, if this is occurring on a specific course vs multiple courses using the watch...a course report form may be needed if distances or other features are not matching any potential changes that may have occurred, resulting in the course map needing to be reviewed and updated for maps on our end. The course report form can be filled out and submitted through our site here: Garmin Golf Course Report Form

    Anything further concerns existing after considering the info may be best discuss your specific issue more in-depth with Garmin Support so more context and questions can be asked to determine what other factors may be causing the issue. 

  • I’ve owned the S70 for about a month. On three different occasions at two different golf courses the yardages just go rogue mid round?! Everything is working fine (ie correct yardages) through 7-10 holes then out of nowhere yardages are grossly overstated and incorrect. Yesterday, I powered watch off/on and it started working correctly again. Unfortunately, I lost all my data up to that point. As a golf nerd and someone who uses the data to improve my game this very disappointing, especially for a $600+ golf watch. Please fix. 
    For the record, watch is set to yards, I am not using “plays like”, and I have updated software to 13.25. 

  • I played 3 rounds and everything seemed to work great but todays round for me the distances were at times short and also longer then actual. 

    so from what I’m understanding from support team is to turn off “plays like” when this is happening? 

  • It is important to consider the factors contributing to the value provided from the Playslike Distance feature on the S70, vs what you are comparing the distance as inaccurate to. Slope is not factored into most other devices providing distances, and slope factored distances are typically not factored into course markers, or scorecards provided by the course. 

    The Approach S70 will give slope adjusted yardages based on more factors to give a more precise reading during the round. 

    In the Golf Settings section of the watch, you can set "Home Conditions" through Settings > Golf Settings > PlaysLike > Home Conditions > Users can then manually set Altitude, Temperature, and humidity values .Users can also toggle wind and weather from the PlaysLike settings menu on/off to change whether those factors are affecting the PlaysLike Distance value as well. *Note: These options were added in the most recent update version 13.25 end of June 2023.