Larger Numbers needed for Hazards and Layups

Please, please, please can we have an update that shows larger numbers on the map for these. Or something on the main screen.  I can't see them on the course and nor can lots of others.

I love it other than that after coming from a Fenix 5 and then a Venu 2.

Please help us long sighted oldies...

  • i dont know if this applies to this but under settings there is a "larger font" option.  i havent used it before so i dont know what all it applies too.

  • Hello, I will reach out for some additional info from you via direct message in further consideration of your feedback regarding the big numbers with the hazard view. 

    Thank you! 

  • I totally agree with Greg.

    However, DO NOT turn on Larger Font because you are then stuck with Front, Center & Back of green distances ONLY.

    That's like buying a Ferrari and you are only allowed to use the Reverse Gear. Bad idea.

  • Hi, I've not been contacted. This is a real issue and makes the hazard, layup and touch targeting distances useless for me.  Why can't we also have the larger number version as per the s62?

  • Although this in reply to Greg.Elwell, it is actually a plea to GARMIN GOLF.

    Whist there are 42mm and 47mm watches, what we need for the 47mm watch is the font being ideally 3+ times larger than it is now. For example 20 Point Font.

    I realise this may obscure some of the background but if we are only focusing on avoiding a particular hazzard then we are not looking at everything else. Then pressing the bottom right button returns to normal where we can see everything again.

    Other golf watch manufacturers use larger fonts.

    This would be an "easy and quick" update and so many people sitting on the fence would stampede to buy one.

  • This could be a solution... anyone from Garmin who'd like to confirm what's planned?

  • This is a shame garmin doesnt address smalił font issue displaying hazards. Many golfers are older and were glasses to read. I perfectly see displayed numbers in regular mode but I have to use small magnificent lens to see distances to hazards. The issue is particularly shameful because other approach models have bigger fonts than flagship S70. Even Epix has beautiful feature showing hazards distances in large font mode. Guys from Garmin , what’s is wrong with you ? Why do you discriminate golfers who need to were glasses to read small numbers ! This is not request . I  demand urgent software update.

  • I've been going round in circles on this one and getting more and more disappointed with the watch for golfing - I plan on playing some different courses in the next couple of weeks and note that on this page; only the S62 screen is displayed - this is the exact view that I'm requesting.

    - could you please confirm when the update will be made to the S70 to provide the same view / detail / font size so that it can be seen. I haven't had any other direct contact and would have expected something to happen by now on this major design flaw!

  • Thank you for bringing the error on the support page to my attention, and I am in the process of getting that content corrected on the site. 

    I cannot guarantee any updates or changes will be made to the distances displayed when viewing hazards on the Approach S70. The maps and hazard view are entirely different on the S70 vs the S62, and the S70 by design is programmed that way due to the zoom in/out toggle now offered on right side edge of the screen. The numbers remain fixed in size when zooming to allow map details to not become obstructed when zoomed in. 

    What I can guarantee, is this feedback you and other users have provided has been submitted, and is currently under review for future consideration. We are not stating no to potentially offering a change, however we are looking into the possibilities. 

  • Hi Cody,

    Thank you for your response - I must admit that I'm becoming more and more annoyed by the fact that I can't see these distances and would like to know how I can arrange to exchange this for e.g. the Epix that has the hazard view that I can see.  I look forward to hearing from you.