I have recently got the S62 watch based on my golfing friends having them as well. I think its a great watch in general but i am having 1 major issue with it,
Everytime I use a club it is not asking which 1 was used. I have been through everything in the settings and even double checked with the others to make sure its set up right,
I am a Left hander but have always worn a watch on my left wrist, I have put the watch on and made sure i have selected the left wrist in the settings, I have probably had 2 times
where the club used has come up, every other time i get nothing. I would just light to point out at this stage that 1 of the other guys uses his watch on his right hand but plays right handed so in
effect its the same setup as me only reveresed. He is asked every time for his club used. ???
I have put the above statment in as I have been through all the documents regarding setup and what the sensors need to pick up, and even in the info it asks which wrist you have it on surely the sensors have 2 files process to work on based on this info ?
If it was just me that was using the watch on the other hand I could understand the request from a previous email to try it on the other wrist, it would also be quite uncomfortable for me to do this as I have never worn a watch on the other wrist,