Touchscreen not working - again - 2nd watch

This is getting really annoying.  My Touchscreen stopped working on my original S62.  I called Customer Service and they sent me a replacement.  It worked fine for 1 month or so.  Now the replacement has the same issue.  The Touchscreen just stops working.  It has never been dropped or damaged.   I have updated all the software needed and turned it on/off many times.   Still the touchscreen just does not work.   Was my replacement faulty as well?  Is this a common issue with all of these?   The watch is not cheap and its really annoying that it does not work anymore.   

  • Not quite the same issue but after updating my S62, the golf features/screens have become so dim that playing golf with the watch is impossible.  The only thing support has told me is to set backlight to 100% which it is already.  The watch is fine, nice and bright but as soon as i start the golf feature, the watch dims to an unusable state.  Oh well, time for a skycaddie?

  • That is unfortunate you have had continued issues on this concern. For the solution going forward, I recommend checking for correspondence from our team in the support office you discussed the concern with. 

    The Garmin Support office for your location has the solution to the concern you mentioned. Please message me if I can be of assistance. 

  • As you mentioned, your recent concern is different from the post topic in this thread. 

    If others with the Approach S62 appear to have a contrast or display visibility concern, currently our team is recommending those users to follow the steps outlined to see if they resolve the concern in the link here: Approach S62 Reset Instructions 

    If the issue persists after that, please contact Garmin Product Support directly for further troubleshooting. Our support team will provide further solutions, as you experienced with this concern. If you have any questions or if I can be of assistance please message me and I would be happy to offer some direction. 

  • Same on my 2nd watch exactly the same. as my Warranty has run out they said i could buy one for £ thanks should be giving us a refund on a faulty product. 

  • Update on my watch. It took 11 hard resets but it's started to work again.