CT10 sensors activation & inactivation

I would need to understand more about how the sensors are activated and inactivated, as I am having frequent issues with this.

Quite often they do not activate when I pick up a club from the bag. I have learnt to keep them upright towards the sky for a while before gripping and swinging, and it maybe helps a little. Anyhow, still there are always a few not detected shots/clubs, which I have to modify when I get home after a round.

Last round, I had a new issue. One club's sensor "refused" to inactivate. I put it upside down into my (black) bag as always. It is for sure dark down there. But it still kept activated, with the result that my watch said I had two clubs up for all shots after this.

What is this? Why are the sensors working so badly? Is there anything I can do to get them work better? I would even have preferred an on/off button on each sensor, as this is working so badly its not even worth using them.

I am using the CT10 sensors with a Fenix 5 watch, but couldn't find a golf forum for Fenix 5, and this seems to be the most active forum. 

  • Let me give an update. Tried to replace batteries in the sensors which did not activate when trying to check their status (6 of 14 - more than I thought). Put in newly purchased GP batteries. They all worked after that. I bought my CT10 sensors in February this year, and batteries are supposed to last 4 years?

    It is a really stingy behavior of Garmin to put budget batteries in an expensive product like this.

    I still have the problem of the one sensor that refuses to inactivate as long as my watch is in range. I suppose I have to request Support to get it replaced. At the same time, I would request them to send me 14 new high quality CR2032 batteries.

    Will keep you posted in this thread, hope it helps someone in their (non-)buying decision of CT10.

  • disable club sensors from garmin approach 62 - oh wait that does not seem to be an option, so I wasted my money on this watch using my old one

  • The Approach CT-10 sensors activate when the sensor is exposed to light. Pulling the club out of the golf bag wakes up the sensor, and then it pairs automatically the watch. 

    If you notice that a club sensor is not automatically pairing when you pull a club out of the bag, it is best to first check the club sensors menu in the golf settings section of the Approach S62 to see if the status of the sensor is showing connected or not, or to check and make sure no other sensors are showing connected. Keep in mind that only 3 sensors can be pulled out of the bag and paired to the device at a time, so if more than 3 happen to show connected in the sensors menu...the sensor attached clubs would need to all be inserted back into the golf bag > Then pull out the club that was not connecting to then see if it connects. 

    The other reason a CT-10 sensor may not connect, is that the disposable battery within the sensor needs replaced. The Approach CT-10 sensors use a disposable CR2032 coin cell battery that may need replaced from being fully depleted due to use, or clubs being left out of bag, and from light exposure. Storage method is important to keep the batteries healthy on the sensors, as environmental factors like cold or hot temperatures can affect the useful life of the disposable batteries.