Charging issues Approch S62

Hello folks,

I am not able to charge my watch. I have tried different sources (pc, phone charger, usb port etc..) with no success.

Sometimes I leave it connected a few hours and it works.

Any tips to fix this issue?

NB: already had the connectors cleaned and tried a different cable.

  • I am sorry your Approach S62 is not charging. If your watch allows it, try a fully reset using the Restore Defaults section of this Support Center article - Restoring Defaults. If it still does not charge, it will need to be warranty replaced.

  • Mine is the same not charging tried different cables and nothing it is a right pain cost a fortune too very disappointed 

  • I’ve had charging issues with every single watch from Garmin (S3, S6, S62). Now with the 62 I’ve found a solution simply by changing the charging cable. The problem was the device charged from a USB PC port but not from a wall socket adapter. To check wether the cable is damaged, plug the watch into USB PC port and move the cable repeatedly; if you hear the sounds from the computer indicating the connection/disconnection of the watch, it means that you’ve got a broken cable that cannot hold the connection stable. Once I’ve changed the cable for a new one, the watch charged full and fast.