Average distance calculating incorrectly.

I have a new Garmin S60. The average distance in Garmin Connect under Gear is calculating incorrectly. I was having issues and it did not seem to calculate correctly so I cleared all scorecards and retired and deleted all clubs from Garmin Connect and the S60 and started new. I played a round today and the max distance is correct on the clubs but the averages are incorrect. The distances on the scorecard are all correct. An example is I hit 2 nine irons. One for 118 yards and one for 152 yards. Under Gear on Garmin Connect, it shows and average of 144 yards. It should be of course be 135 yards. If I go in and edit and change one of the two shots using a nine iron on the scorecard to another club so that there is only one 9 iron shot recorded and then refresh Gear under Garmin Connect, it indicates the correct max distance and of course the average is the max as there is only on shot recorded. It is almost like Garmin Connect is calculating the average wrong somehow. I have tried to see if there is a pattern of some type to help determine the cause but am unable. Any help would be appreciated as this was one of the reasons for me buying the watch. All the miscalculations for averages seem to be way higher than they should be but none exceed the max.