My Garmin S60 records steps accurately when in normal mode but only appears to record half the normal steps when it is in Golf Mode
My Garmin S60 records steps accurately when in normal mode but only appears to record half the normal steps when it is in Golf Mode
Yes, with my S60 the same! Sometimes it was ok and sometimes not. My feeling was, that the Golf app memory is overwritten by some other functions.I have posted it here, but no reaction from Garmin ...
BUT two of my last Golf competitions where done in rainy weather and the steps on my S60 where less the half of the 5 km! My idea: it has something to do with the weather and that is the weather app. At home I deleted the weather app from my S60, made a restart and now the stepes are good!!! Today 9 holes in rainy weather, winter tees and winter greens, so less distance: 3.91 km and 4768 steps -> 0,82 m/step, that's fine!
May be you can try it and report your experience here!
Thanks Gerd_NL I’ll do that and see if it makes the difference the next time I play. I will update this thread.
I have to make a little correction: it was not the weather app it was the weather widget, that I have removed from my S60!
But now after some days and playing several rounds Golf the step length is between 0.82 and 0.9 m.
This differences are depending of I play alone (I move quicker with bigger steps) or with others (slower moving with smaller steps).
Thanks Gerd_NL I removed the widget but it hasn't made any difference.
Did you made a reboot on your S60 after removing the widget? Maybe try to remove other widgets like Agenda and Notifications ...
Now that I have synchronised my watch it does appear to be calculation my steps correctly. Thanks for your help.