Will the Connect Android app update my golf courses?

Hi, I have been auto-updating golf courses on the S60 using the Garmin Express application on my PC. When buying a new PC this no longer work as the new PC is using Windows 10 S (secure mode) and it turns out Garmin don't support this, they don't have their app available in the Windows app store.

(this is really baffling choice by Garmin given that most new consumer PCs are configured with Window 10 or 11 S today and the volume of users with this will soon be very significant. I don't want to disable secure mode on my PC, because there is no way back and the secure mode has significant advantages, fx why there is so little trouble in the iphone/ipad world. But, anyway...).

Question I hope someone can help me with: Can I use the Garmin Connect Android app to continue updating golf courses on this watch?

Reason I ask, is that a support page at Garmin confused me talking about the Connect app being for updating watches without preloaded maps, while Express windows app is for the latter.